Synonyms for complete blood count
Grammar : Noun |
Définition of complete blood count
- As in blood count : noun blood profile
Words or expressions associated with your search
- abloom
- abstract composition
- accessible by computer
- accompanied
- accompanies
- accompaniment
- accompaniments
- accompanist
- accompany
- accompanying
- accomplice
- accomplices
- accomplish
- accomplishable
- accomplished
- accomplished fact
- accomplishes
- accomplishing
- accomplishings
- accomplishment
- accomplishments
- account
- account book
- account executive
- account for
- account payable
- account receivable
- accountability
- accountable
- accountableness
- accountant
- accounted
- accounted for
- accounting
- accounting for
- accounting year
- accounts
- accounts for
- across the counter
- acting company
- additional compensation
- admit of comparison with
- all comprehensive
- all-comprehensive
- all encompassing
- all-encompassing
- annual accounting period
- back country
- back-country
- back-handed compliment
- back handed compliments
- backcountry
- backhanded compliment
- bad blood
- balance account
- bank account
- bare comparison
- bargain-counter
- be a component
- be comparable to
- be compatible
- be compelled
- be compelled to
- be composed of
- be incompetent
- be out for blood
- bean counter
- bear company
- bear comparison
- bear comparison with
- beyond compare
- beyond comprehension
- blood
- blood count
- blood group
- blood work
- bloodbath
- bloodcurdling
- bloodhound
- bloodiest
- bloodless
- bloodlessness
- bloodshed
- bloodshot
- bloody
- bloom
- bloomers
- blooming
- bloop
- blooper
- blue blood
- blue-blooded
- blueblood
- briefcase computer
- by comparison
- call account
- call to account
- called to account
- calorie counting
- calorie countings
- can't complain
- carry completion
- carry to completion
- carrying completion
- certified public account
- certified public accountant
- chartered accountant
- cold-blooded
- comp
- compact
- compact disc
- compact disk
- compactness
- compadres
- companion
- companionable
- companionless
- companions
- companionship
- company
- company headquarters
- company man
- company person
- comparability
- comparable
- comparableness
- comparably
- comparative
- comparatively
- compare
- compare notes
- compare with
- comparing
- comparison
- compartment
- compass
- compass of mind
- compass rose
- compassion
- compassionate
- compassionately
- compatible
- compatriot
- compatriots
- compel
- compellation
- compelled
- compelling
- compendiary
- compendious
- compendium
- compensate
- compensating
- compensation
- compensation package
- compensatory
- compere
- compete
- compete with
- competence
- competency
- competent
- competently
- competing
- competition
- competitive advantage
- competitor
- compilation
- compile
- compiler
- complacence
- complacency
- complacent
- complainant
- complained
- complainer
- complaining
- complaint
- complaints
- complaisant
- complanate
- complect
- complement
- complementary
- complete
- complete blood count
- complete distruction
- complete exhaustion
- completed
- completely full
- completeness
- completing
- completion
- complex
- complexes
- complexion
- complexity
- compliable
- compliance
- compliancy
- compliant
- compliantly
- complicate
- complicated
- complications
- complicity
- complied
- complimentary
- complimentary pass
- complimentary ticket
- compliments
- complot
- comply
- comply with
- complying
- component
- comport oneself
- comport with
- comportment
- compose
- compose oneself
- composed
- composedly
- composing
- composition
- composure
- compotation
- compound
- compounded
- comprehend
- comprehending
- comprehendingly
- comprehensible
- comprehension
- comprehensive
- comprehensive medical insurance
- comprehensively
- compress
- compressed
- compressed air sickness
- compression
- comprise
- compromise
- compromising
- comptroller
- compulsatory
- compulsion
- compulsive
- compulsory
- compunction
- computable
- computation
- compute
- computed axial tomography
- computed tomography
- computer
- computer age
- computer architect
- computer-assisted tomography
- computer-assisted tomography scan
- computer chip
- computer designer
- computer display
- computer geek
- computer hardware
- computer jargon
- computer language
- computer nerd
- computer network
- computer specialist
- computer terminology
- computer terms
- computer unit
- computer virus
- computerese
- computerized axial tomography
- computerized game
- computerized tomography
- computerized tomography scan
- computers
- computing
- council of state
- counsel
- counseled
- counseling
- counsellor
- counselor
- count
- count chickens
- count heads
- count me out
- count noses
- count on
- count out
- count ties
- count upon
- countable
- countdown
- counted
- counted on
- counted upon
- countenance
- counter
- counter-argument
- counter to
- counteract
- counteractant
- counteraction
- counterattack
- counterblow
- counterclaim
- counterfeit
- counterfeiter
- countermand
- countermeasure
- countermine
- counterorder
- counterpart
- counterplot
- counterpoise
- counterrevolution
- counterrevolutionary
- countersink
- countervail
- countess
- counting
- counting on
- countless
- countries
- countrified
- country
- country and western
- country-and-western
- country-club set
- country dance
- country inn
- country mile
- country music
- country of origin
- country road
- country store
- countryside
- county
- county fair
- county library
- county mounty
- cow country
- crowning accomplishment
- dark complexioned
- dark-complexioned
- de-compose
- de compose
- de-composed
- de composes
- de-composes
- de-composing
- de-composition
- de compositions
- de-compositions
- decompose
- decomposed
- decomposing
- decomposition
- decompound
- decompression chamber
- decompression disease
- decompression sickness
- defense counsel
- desktop computer
- discompose
- discomposure
- discount
- discount store
- discountenance
- do compulsively
- doubloon
- down for the count
- easily accomplished task
- economically developing countries
- electric company
- electronic components
- encompass
- encompassed
- encompassed by
- encompasses
- encompassing
- encompassment
- encounter
- encounter difficulty
- encounter group
- encountered
- encountering
- encounters
- engine company
- fait accompli
- fellow countryman
- fellow-countryman
- fellow countrymen
- fellow-countrymen
- fellow-countrywoman
- fellowcountryman
- fellowcountrymen
- fellowcountrywoman
- fellowcountrywomen
- final count
- fire company
- firsthand account
- full blood count
- full-blooded
- garbage compactor
- gave an account of
- genetic counseling
- give an account of
- give verbal account
- God's country
- had compassion
- haddest compassion
- hadst compassion
- half-blood
- half blood
- half-bloods
- halfblood
- halfbloods
- handheld computer
- has company
- have company
- have compassion
- hold accountable
- home computer
- hot-blooded
- hurried encounter
- imcomprehensible
- in a compromising position
- in bloom
- in cold blood
- in company of
- in company with
- in comparable
- in comparably
- in compatibilities
- in compatibility
- in compatible
- in competence
- in competences
- in competencies
- in competency
- in competent
- in competently
- in complete
- in complete accord
- in completely
- in compliances
- in compliancies
- in compliancy
- in compliant
- in comprehensible
- in compressible
- in computable
- in full bloom
- in the blood
- in the company of
- incomparable
- incompatibility
- incompatible
- incompetence
- incompetent
- incomplete
- incompletely
- incompleteness
- incomplex
- incompliance
- incompliancy
- incompliant
- incomprehensible
- incomprehension
- inferiority complex
- invite competition
- irreversible accomplishment
- itemized account
- just completed
- kablooey
- keep account
- keep company
- keep company with
- keep count
- keep in countenance
- keeping account
- keeping companies
- keeping company
- kept company with
- kept count
- laptop computer
- late bloomer
- leave out account
- leave out of account
- leaved out of account
- left handed compliment
- left-handed compliment
- lefthanded compliment
- lifeblood
- lodge complaint
- lunch counter
- made one's blood run cold
- make blood boil
- make blood run cold
- make compact
- make complex
- make one's blood run cold
- make ones blood run cold
- makes ones blood run cold
- making ones blood run cold
- man without a countries
- man without a country
- mentally incompetent
- microcomputer
- miscount
- more complex
- more complicated
- mother country
- native country
- new blood
- newspaper account
- nincompoop
- no-account
- no account
- no compliment
- no compliments
- noaccount
- non-completion
- non compliance
- non-compliance
- non-compliances
- non compliances
- non-compliant
- non compliant
- non compos
- non compos menti
- non compos mentis
- non composes
- noncompletion
- noncompletions
- noncompliance
- noncompliant
- noncompulsory
- nose count
- not completely
- not complex
- not compulsory
- not countenance
- not counting
- notebook computer
- obsessive compulsion
- of no account
- offer compensation
- old country
- old-time country rock
- on account
- on account of
- on accounts
- on all accounts
- on all counts
- on counts
- on that account
- one's country
- open account
- open country
- out for blood
- out of countenance
- outbloom
- over the counter
- overdrawn account
- ozark countries
- Ozark country
- part company
- parting company
- parts company
- person without country
- personal account
- point of comparison
- privy council
- public accountant
- pure-blooded
- pureblood
- pureblooded
- quick-lunch counter
- radio compass
- re-compensations
- re compensations
- re counted
- re-counted
- re-counting
- re-counts
- re counts
- recompensation
- recompense
- recount
- recountal
- recounted
- recounting
- red-blooded
- retirement account
- return the compliment
- run counter to
- savings account
- shopping complex
- state-licensed accountant
- subcompact
- summer complaint
- supercomputer
- take account
- take account of
- take counsel
- take count
- take in to account
- take into account
- take the count
- takes account of
- taking count
- taking into account
- tax-free savings account
- telephone company
- the old country
- Third World country
- un accompanied
- un accomplished
- unaccompanied
- unaccomplished
- uncompanionable
- uncompassionate
- uncomplaining
- uncompleted
- uncomplex
- uncompliant
- uncomplicated
- uncomplicatedly
- uncomplimentary
- uncomplimentary remark
- uncomplying
- uncomprehensible
- uncompromising
- uncountable
- uncounted
- under compulsion
- upcountry
- viscount
- warmblooded
- was compatible
- was compelled
- was composed of
- was out for blood
- wireless compass
- without accompaniment
- young blood
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