Synonyms for coiner

Grammar : Noun
Spell : koin
Phonetic Transcription : kɔɪn

Top 10 synonyms for coiner Other synonyms for the word coiner

Définition of coiner

Origin :
  • c.1300, "a wedge," from Old French coing (12c.) "a wedge; stamp; piece of money; corner, angle," from Latin cuneus "a wedge." The die for stamping metal was wedge-shaped, and the English word came to mean "thing stamped, a piece of money" by late 14c. (a sense that already had developed in French). Cf. quoin, which split off from this word 16c. Modern French coin is "corner, angle, nook." Coins were first struck in western Asia Minor in 7c. B.C.E.; Greek tradition and Herodotus credit the Lydians with being first to make and use coins of silver and gold.
  • As in inventor : noun discoverer
  • As in forger : noun falsifier
  • As in fabricator : noun forger
  • As in faker : noun fake
Example sentences :
  • If then the coiner be deemed worthy of death, how much more the heretic!
  • Extract from : « Medival Heresy and the Inquisition » by A. S. Turberville
  • One of the housebreakers (the rival of the Duke of Bedford), and the coiner, were hanged.
  • Extract from : « Caleb Williams » by William Godwin
  • The doctor must have gained a great deal of money by his skill as a coiner.
  • Extract from : « A Rogue's Life » by Wilkie Collins
  • They were silver dollars, and bran new ones at that, as fresh as on the day which they left the coiner's hands.
  • Extract from : « Bats in the Wall » by P. T. Raymond
  • But Miss Purdon is much more than a collector or coiner of picturesque and humorous phrases.
  • Extract from : « Humours of Irish Life » by Various
  • Mon′ey-mak′er, a coiner of counterfeit money; Mon′ey-mak′ing, act of gaining wealth.
  • Extract from : « Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary (part 2 of 4: E-M) » by Various
  • He fell from bad to worse, and finally becoming the ally of a coiner, was arrested and transported for life.
  • Extract from : « The World's Greatest Books, Volume V. » by Arthur Mee and J.A. Hammerton, Eds.
  • In Naples, Prince James marries a girl of no position, and is arrested on suspicion of being a coiner.
  • Extract from : « Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 16, Slice 1 » by Various
  • On one of the rarer coins of Cunobeline an armourer or coiner is represented.
  • Extract from : « The Archaeology and Prehistoric Annals of Scotland » by Daniel Wilson
  • And before the coiner could offer any resistance, they knocked his weapons from his hands, and fell upon him.
  • Extract from : « Jack Harkaway's Boy Tinker Among The Turks » by Bracebridge Hemyng
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