Synonyms for circuit rider
Grammar : Noun |
Définition of circuit rider
- As in evangelist : noun preacher
- Herein was manifest the grandeur of the circuit rider's character.
- Extract from : « Belford's Magazine, Vol 2, December 1888 » by Various
- It was Peter Cartwright, the famous Methodist divine and circuit rider.
- Extract from : « Abraham Lincoln, Volume 1 (of 2) » by William H. Herndon
- The salary was small, even for a Methodist circuit rider, in the decade before the Civil War.
- Extract from : « Benefits Forgot » by Honor Willsie
- And I have sung myself, many a time, like a circuit rider with a crowded mourner's bench.
- Extract from : « Dwellers in the Hills » by Melville Davisson Post
- The circuit rider is not only a priest to his people, but he is a good deal of a mendicant besides.
- Extract from : « A Circuit Rider's Wife » by Corra Harris
- And I have often wondered why the monument builders have never thought to raise a statue to the Methodist circuit rider.
- Extract from : « A Circuit Rider's Wife » by Corra Harris
- With the circuit rider Eggleston undoubtedly added another type to the gallery of American fiction.
- Extract from : « A History of American Literature Since 1870 » by Fred Lewis Pattee
- Where was the great glare of yellow light that the "circuit rider" had told about—and the leaping tongues of fire?
- Extract from : « The Trail of the Lonesome Pine » by John Fox, Jr.
- The good bishop was then a circuit rider on Loudoun Circuit, and Rover carried him on her back around the circuit.
- Extract from : « From Bull Run to Appomattox » by Luther W. Hopkins
- The hired man delivered himself with the intonation somewhat of a circuit rider.
- Extract from : « A Knight of the Cumberland » by John Fox Jr.
Words or expressions associated with your search
- adverse circumstance
- Antarctic Circle
- Arctic Circle
- chain of circumstances
- charmed circle
- circadian
- circinate
- circle
- circuit
- circuit rider
- circuited
- circuitous route
- circuitry
- circular
- circulate
- circulated
- circulating
- circulating library
- circulation
- circulator
- circumbendibus
- circumduct
- circumference
- circumlocute
- circumlocution
- circumlocutory
- circumnavigate
- circumnavigation
- circumnavigator
- circumnutate
- circumscribe
- circumscription
- circumspect
- circumspection
- circumspectly
- circumstance
- circumstances
- circumstantial
- circumstantiality
- circumvention
- circumvoluted
- circus
- encircle
- encircled
- encirclement
- encircles
- encircling
- equinoctial circle
- favorable circumstances
- immediate circle
- in circulation
- in dire circumstances
- in these circumstances
- in vicious circle
- integrated circuit
- integrated circuitry
- logic circuit
- magic circle
- make circuit
- making circuit
- microcircuit
- move in a circle
- not circulated
- out of circulation
- polar circle
- printed circuit board
- ran circles
- ran in circles
- run circles around
- uncircumspect
- be stride
- be strides
- bride and groom
- car ride
- car rides
- de ride
- de-ride
- de rides
- de-rides
- deride
- disaccharide
- easy ride
- free ride
- get astride
- gets astride
- giant stride
- giant strides
- iridescent
- joy ride
- joyride
- lack of pride
- let it ride
- made strides
- make strides
- makes strides
- making strides
- methamphetamine hydrochloride
- override
- override/overrule
- overrides
- pale rider
- polysaccharide
- pride
- prideful
- range rider
- ride
- ride herd on
- ride off
- ride on coattails
- ride on knee
- ride out
- ride roughshod
- ride shotgun
- ride shotgun for
- rider
- stride
- stridency
- strident
- take for a ride
- take for ride
- takes for a ride
- taking for ride
- trident
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