Synonyms for body scan
Grammar : Noun |
Définition of body scan
- As in CAT scan : noun computerized axial tomography
Words or expressions associated with your search
- anybody
- anybody at all
- be a busybody
- be busybody
- body
- body of voters
- body politic
- body scan
- bodybuilding
- bodyguard
- bodysuit
- brain scan
- busybody
- cat-scan
- CAT scan
- CAT scanner
- cat scanners
- CAT scanning
- cat scannings
- celestial body
- computer-assisted tomography scan
- computerized tomography scan
- CT scan
- CT scanner
- de-scant
- de scant
- de scanted
- de-scanted
- de-scanting
- de scanting
- de scants
- de-scants
- descant
- embody
- embodying
- energy body
- everybody
- everybody/everyone
- governing body
- heavenly body
- in a body
- legislative body
- luminous body
- main body
- member of body politic
- Mr. Nobody
- nobody
- nobody home
- nobody/nonentity
- nobody's fool
- not anybody
- optical scanning
- scan
- scandal
- scandal sheet
- scandalize
- scandalizer
- scandalmongering
- scandalous
- Scandinavian steam bath
- scanning system
- scant
- scantiness
- scantling
- scanty
- was a busybody
- was busybody
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