Synonyms for baby-sitter
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : bey-bee-sit |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈbeɪ biˌsɪt |
Définition of baby-sitter
- noun sitter
- So then I went to the home of the person I normally have for a baby-sitter.
- Extract from : « Warren Commission (3 of 26): Hearings Vol. III (of 15) » by The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy
Words or expressions associated with your search
- baby
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- baby sit
- baby-sit
- baby sitter
- baby-sitter
- baby tooth
- babyhood
- babying
- babyings
- babyish
- babyishness
- babylike
- babyminding
- babysat
- babysit
- babysitter
- babysitting
- babysittings
- big baby
- cry-baby
- crybaby
- like stealing candy from a baby
- baby sitter
- babysitter
- babysitting
- babysittings
- be sitting pretty
- fence-sitting
- house-sitter
- housesitter
- sitter
- sitting
- sitting duck
- sitting position
- sitting room
- sitting target
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