Synonyms for all the while

Grammar : Prep
Spell : hwahyl, wahyl
Phonetic Transcription : ʰwaɪl, waɪl

Top 10 synonyms for all the while Other synonyms for the word all the while

Définition of all the while

Origin :
  • "to cause (time) to pass without dullness, 1630s, earlier "to occupy or engage (someone or something) for a period of time" (c.1600), new formation from while (n.), not considered to be from Middle English hwulen "to have leisure," which is from a Germanic verb form of while (n.) (cf. German weilen "to stay, linger"). An association with phrases such as Shakespearean beguile the day, Latin diem decipere, French tromper le temps "has led to the substitution of WILE v by some modern writers" [OED] (see wile).
  • As in during : prep concurrently with an activity, event
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