Antonyms for rotten luck
Grammar : Noun |
- abundance
- accomplishment
- achievement
- advantage
- aid
- assistance
- benefit
- blessing
- boon
- boost
- calmness
- cheer
- comfort
- compliment
- contentment
- delight
- ease
- encouragement
- entertainment
- favor
- fortune
- fun
- gain
- good
- good fortune
- good luck
- happiness
- health
- help
- joy
- luxury
- mildness
- miracle
- peace
- piece of luck
- pleasure
- plenty
- praise
- profit
- prosperity
- relief
- safety
- security
- success
- wealth
- win
- wonder
Definition of rotten luck
- As in misfortune/mishap : noun bad luck; disaster
- As in bad luck : noun rotten break
- As in misfortune : noun disaster
- As in raw deal : noun very bad luck
- As in unfortunateness : noun misfortune
- As in unluckiness : noun misfortune
- As in untowardness : noun misfortune
- As in distress : noun hardship, adversity
- As in hardship : noun personal burden
Synonyms for rotten luck
- accident
- adversity
- affliction
- annoyance
- anxiety
- asperity
- austerity
- bad break
- bad luck
- bad news
- bad rap
- blow
- bummer
- burden
- calamity
- can of worms
- case
- casuality
- casualty
- cataclysm
- catastrophe
- contretemps
- cross
- crunch
- curse
- danger
- debacle
- destitution
- devil's own luck
- difficulty
- disadvantage
- disappointment
- disaster
- discomfort
- distress
- dole
- downer
- drag
- drudgery
- exigency
- failure
- fatigue
- grief
- grievance
- haplessness
- hard cheese
- hard knocks
- hard luck
- hard time
- hardship
- harm
- hazard
- Herculean task
- holy mess
- hot water
- ill fortune
- ill luck
- inconvenience
- indigence
- infelicity
- injury
- jam
- labor
- loss
- misadventure
- mischance
- misery
- misfortune
- mishap
- need
- nuisance
- oppression
- peril
- persecution
- pickle
- pinch
- pits
- poverty
- privation
- rainy day
- raw deal
- reverse
- rigor
- rotten hand
- rotten luck
- scrape
- setback
- sorrow
- straits
- stroke of bad luck
- suffering
- throe
- ticklish spot
- toil
- torment
- tough break
- tough luck
- tragedy
- travail
- trial
- tribulation
- trouble
- unfortunateness
- unholy mess
- unluck
- unluckiness
- unpleasantness
- untowardness
- uphill battle
- vicissitude
- visitation
- want
- worry
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019