Antonyms for prayer

Grammar : Noun
Spell : prair
Phonetic Transcription : prɛər

Definition of prayer

Origin :
  • c.1300, from Old French prier "prayer, petition, request" (12c., Modern French prière), from Medieval Latin precaria "petition, prayer," noun use of Latin adjective precaria, fem. of precarius "obtained by prayer, given as a favor," from precari "to ask, beg, pray" (see pray). Related: Prayers.
  • Prayer-book attested from 1590s; prayer-meeting from 1780. To not have a prayer "have no chance" is from 1941.
  • noun pleading, especially with a deity;
Example sentences :
  • "That contains the spirit of all prayer," said the old philosopher.
  • Extract from : « Philothea » by Lydia Maria Child
  • It must have been written for the occasion, for the sentiment of it was in accordance with the prayer.
  • Extract from : « Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, No. 327 » by Various
  • The hymn, the portion of Scripture, and the prayer of Brother Buster.
  • Extract from : « Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, No. 327 » by Various
  • The prayer concluded, Mr Clayton coldly requested me to retire.
  • Extract from : « Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, No. 327 » by Various
  • It was caused by the fall of Dr. Benson In the pew while kneeling in prayer.
  • Extract from : « The Grand Old Man » by Richard B. Cook
  • Their sole experience of prayer was connected with the South End Mission.
  • Extract from : « Ester Ried Yet Speaking » by Isabella Alden
  • The result of her hours of thought and prayer was that she was bound to Professor Ellis.
  • Extract from : « Ester Ried Yet Speaking » by Isabella Alden
  • Tillie, afraid of her rebellious spirit, went to prayer meeting.
  • Extract from : « K » by Mary Roberts Rinehart
  • How much must God give us in order to answer this prayer for daily bread?
  • Extract from : « An Explanation of Luther's Small Catechism » by Joseph Stump
  • The "ghosts of prayer plumes," which Moke-icha saw in the sky, is the Milky Way.
  • Extract from : « The Trail Book » by Mary Austin

Synonyms for prayer

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019