Antonyms for keyed up
Grammar : Adj, verb |
Spell : kee |
Phonetic Transcription : ki |
- aid
- allow
- apathetic
- appease
- assist
- balanced
- be still
- block
- blunt
- bore
- bored
- bring down
- calm
- cease
- check
- chilled
- chilly
- clear up
- cold
- collected
- comfort
- composed
- conceal
- content
- cool
- cure
- dampen
- deaden
- decline
- decrease
- delay
- delight
- depress
- deter
- disapprove
- discourage
- disenchant
- dishearten
- disinterested
- dispassionate
- dissuade
- docile
- doubting
- drop
- dull
- easy-going
- encourage
- explain
- extinguish
- fail
- fall
- finish
- fix
- freezing
- frigid
- halt
- happy
- help
- hide
- hinder
- hold
- impede
- impotent
- indifferent
- laid-back
- leave alone
- lessen
- let go
- lethargic
- limp
- limpid
- loose
- lose
- lower
- lull
- make happy
- make well
- mend
- nap
- neglect
- normal
- order
- pacify
- peaceful
- pessimistic
- place
- please
- pleased
- praise
- prevent
- prohibit
- pull
- put out
- quiet
- regress
- relaxed
- release
- repress
- repulse
- rested
- retard
- sane
- settle
- slack
- sleep
- slow
- slump
- soften
- soothe
- stop
- straighten
- suppress
- surrender
- tire
- tranquil
- tranquilize
- turn off
- unafraid
- uncaring
- unconcerned
- unenthused
- unenthusiastic
- unexcited
- uninspired
- uninterested
- unpassionate
- unruffled
- untroubled
- unwilling
- unworried
- weak
- weaken
- weary
Definition of keyed up
Origin :- "metal piece that works a lock," from Old English cæg "key," of unknown origin, with no certain cognates other than Old Frisian kei. Perhaps related to Middle Low German keie "lance, spear" on notion of "tool to cleave with," from Proto-Germanic *ki- "to cleaver, split" (cf. German Keil "wedge," Gothic us-kijans "come forth," said of seed sprouts, keinan "to germinate"). But Liberman writes, "The original meaning of *kaig-jo- was presumably '*pin with a twisted end.' Words with the root *kai- followed by a consonant meaning 'crooked, bent; twisted' are common only in the North Germanic languages." Modern pronunciation is a northern variant predominating from c.1700; earlier it was often spelled and pronounced kay.
- Figurative sense of "that which serves to open or explain" was in Old English; meaning "that which holds together other parts" is from 1520s. As "answer to a test," it is from chess, short for key move, "first move in a solution to a set problem." Musical sense of "tone, note" is 15c., but modern sense of "scale" is 1580s, probably as a translation of Latin clavis or French clef (see clef; also cf. keynote). Extended c.1500 to "mechanism on a musical instrument." As a verb meaning "to scratch (a car's paint job) with a key" it is recorded by 1986.
- As in on edge : adj tense
- As in overwrought : adj exhausted and excited
- As in psyched : adj excited
- As in pumped : adj excited
- As in tense : adj under stress, pressure
- As in stimulated : adj aroused
- As in madding : adj frantic
- As in twitchy : adj edgy
- As in edgy : adj nervous
- As in enthusiastic : adj interested, excited
- As in excited : adj inspired; upset
- As in feverish : adj excited, agitated
- As in frantic : adj distressed, distracted
- As in gung ho : adj full of enthusiasm
- As in incite : verb encourage, provoke
- As in kindle : verb excite, incite
- As in push : verb incite, urge
- As in rouse : verb stimulate, excite
- As in spur : verb incite, prompt
- As in stimulate : verb excite, provoke
- As in thrill : verb excite, stimulate
- As in upset : verb bother, trouble
- As in wake/waken : verb excite, stimulate
- As in actuate : verb start a function or action, motivate
- As in goad : verb egg on, incite
- We were all keyed up to quite a pitch over that on account of Phil.
- Extract from : « Marjorie Dean, College Sophomore » by Pauline Lester
- He looked as though he was having the time of his life, all keyed up and delighted.
- Extract from : « The Day of the Boomer Dukes » by Frederik Pohl
- Evidently Jack was keyed up to a point close to an explosion.
- Extract from : « The Banner Boy Scouts on a Tour » by George A. Warren
- Nor did he have the stimulus of interest that Jim had to keep him keyed up.
- Extract from : « Frontier Boys in Frisco » by Wyn Roosevelt
- It was a great satisfaction to get Linda so keyed up with curiosity.
- Extract from : « Nan Sherwood at Palm Beach » by Annie Roe Carr
- We are keyed up, some of us, rather nervous in anticipation of to-morrow.
- Extract from : « High Adventure » by James Norman Hall
- All keyed up for war and no place to 164 go, and this was a kind of safety valve.
- Extract from : « The Pagan Madonna » by Harold MacGrath
- It40 was impossible for him to stop talking, he was so keyed up.
- Extract from : « Five Little Peppers at School » by Margaret Sidney
- Kate was keyed up with apprehension: "Why take chances all the time?"
- Extract from : « Laramie Holds the Range » by Frank H. Spearman
- The men themselves were too keyed up and excited to rest easily.
- Extract from : « Planet of the Damned » by Harry Harrison
Synonyms for keyed up
- a bundle of nerves
- abet
- accelerated
- activate
- actuate
- adjy
- affected
- afflict
- aflame
- aggravate
- aggressive
- agitate
- agitated
- agog
- ail
- all shook up
- all wound up
- anger
- angry
- animate
- animated
- annoy
- annoyed
- anxious
- apprehensive
- ardent
- arouse
- aroused
- ask for it
- at wits' end
- athirst
- attracted
- avid
- awaken
- awakened
- banzai
- bear down
- berserk
- beside oneself
- bestir
- bewilder
- blow away
- browbeat
- bug
- bugged
- build a fire under
- bulldoze
- bully
- bundle of nerves
- burn up
- burning
- can-do
- cause
- challenge
- charged
- choked
- clutched
- coax
- coerce
- commove
- concerned
- confound
- constrain
- corybantic
- countenance
- cramp
- cranked up
- craze
- crazy
- crazy about
- critical
- debilitate
- dedicated
- deepen
- delight
- delighted
- delirious
- derange
- deranged
- devoted
- discombobulate
- discompose
- discomposed
- disconcert
- disconcerted
- dismay
- disquiet
- distract
- distracted
- distraught
- distress
- disturb
- disturbed
- dragoon
- drive
- dying to
- dynamize
- eager
- earnest
- ebullient
- edgy
- egg on
- elate
- electrify
- emotional
- enchant
- encourage
- energetic
- energize
- enhance
- enkindle
- enliven
- enthuse
- enthused
- enthusiastic
- exasperate
- excitable
- excite
- excited
- exert influence
- exhilarate
- exhilarated
- exhort
- expedite
- extremely enthusiastic
- exuberant
- fan
- fan the fire
- fanatical
- fascinated
- favor
- fervent
- fervid
- fevered
- feverish
- fidgety
- fire
- fire up
- fired up
- fired-up
- flip
- flip out
- flipped out
- floor
- flurry
- flush
- fluster
- flutter
- fluttery
- foment
- force
- forceful
- forward
- foster
- frantic
- fraught
- freaked out
- freaked-out
- frenetic
- frenzied
- freshen
- furious
- further
- gaga
- galvanize
- geared up
- get going
- get one going
- get one started
- get smoking
- get to
- give a hard time
- glow
- go over big
- go to town on
- goad
- gone on
- goose
- grab
- grasp
- grieve
- gung ho
- harass
- hearty
- heated
- hectic
- heighten
- high
- high-strung
- hook
- hot
- hot and bothered
- hot under collar
- hot under the collar
- hot-and-bothered
- hound
- hung up
- hurry
- hyper
- hyperactive
- hysterical
- ill at ease
- impassioned
- impatient
- impel
- in a state
- in a stew
- in a tizzy
- incapacitate
- incite
- indispose
- induce
- inflame
- inflamed
- influence
- innervate
- innerve
- insane
- inspire
- inspired
- inspirit
- instigate
- intensate
- intense
- intensify
- intent
- irascible
- irritable
- irritate
- jazz
- jazz up
- jittery
- jolly
- juice
- juiced up
- jumpy
- keen
- key up
- keyed up
- keyed-up
- kid
- kindle
- knock one's socks off
- lash
- lay up
- lean on
- lively
- mad
- magnify
- make a scene
- make waves
- mobilize
- motivate
- mount
- move
- moved
- moving
- needle
- nerve-racking
- nervous
- nervous wreck
- neurotic
- notice
- nutty
- oblige
- obsessed
- obsessive
- on edge
- on fire
- out of control
- overanxious
- overexcited
- overpress
- overstrung
- overworked
- overwrought
- palpitate
- panic-stricken
- passionate
- pep up
- perk
- persuade
- perturb
- pick on
- pique
- piqued
- pleased
- pother
- pour it on
- press
- pressure
- prick
- proactive
- prod
- promote
- prompt
- propel
- provoke
- provoked
- psych
- psyched
- pumped
- push
- push around
- put the screws to
- put up to
- queasy
- quicken
- quiver
- rabid
- race one's motor
- raging
- railroad
- raise
- rally
- rarin' to go
- rattle
- raving
- red-hot
- redouble
- renew
- restive
- restless
- rhapsodic
- rile
- rise
- rock the boat
- rouse
- roused
- rowel
- ruffle
- ruffled
- score
- see
- sell on
- send
- set
- set off
- set up
- shaky
- sharpen
- shook up
- shot
- shot to pieces
- sic
- sicken
- skittish
- solicit
- sound
- spark
- spazzed out
- speed
- speed up
- spent
- spirit
- spirited
- spook
- spur
- squeeze
- startle
- steam up
- steamed up
- steamroll
- stimulate
- stimulated
- sting
- stir
- stir up
- stirred
- strained
- stressful
- strong-arm
- strung out
- strung-out
- support
- switch on
- take-charge
- talk into
- tantalized
- taunt
- tease
- tense
- thrill
- thrilled
- throw off balance
- thrust
- tickle
- tingle
- tired
- titillate
- titillated
- touchy
- tremble
- trigger
- tumultous/tumultuous
- turn
- turn on
- turned on
- understand
- uneasy
- unglued
- unhinge
- unnerve
- unnerved
- unqualified
- unquiet
- unscrewed
- unsettle
- unstrung
- unzipped
- up the wall
- uptight
- urge
- vehement
- vigorous
- violent
- vitalize
- vivify
- wacky
- wake
- wake up
- waken
- warm
- weary
- weird
- weirded out
- whet
- whip
- whip up
- white knuckled
- wholehearted
- wigged out
- wild
- willing
- wired
- work into lather
- work up
- worked up
- worked-up
- worn
- worried
- worry
- worrying
- wound up
- wound-up
- wow
- wreck
- zealous
- zip up
- zipped up
- zonkers
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019