Antonyms for in corporate
Grammar : Adj, verb |
Spell : verb in-kawr-puh-reyt; adjective in-kawr-per-it, -prit |
Phonetic Transcription : verb ɪnˈkɔr pəˌreɪt; adjective ɪnˈkɔr pər ɪt, -prɪt |
- abandon
- abstain
- avoid
- be immune
- bodily
- break
- build
- cancel
- cease
- clean
- collect
- combine
- conceal
- condense
- confuse
- contract
- cover
- decentralize
- decrease
- demolish
- deny
- destroy
- detach
- detail
- diminish
- disallow
- disarrange
- disassociate
- disbelieve
- discharge
- disconnect
- discourage
- disembody
- disengage
- disentangle
- disintegrate
- disjoin
- dismiss
- disorder
- disorganize
- disperse
- dispute
- disregard
- dissipate
- dissociate
- dissolve
- dissuade
- distract
- distrust
- disunite
- divide
- divorce
- dodge
- drop
- dwindle
- eject
- eliminate
- emit
- end
- enlarge
- erase
- essential
- estimate
- except
- exclude
- expand
- expel
- explain
- exude
- fail
- fall short
- fight
- fire
- forfeit
- forget
- free
- gather
- give
- give in
- give up
- guess
- halt
- hide
- hold
- hold back
- hurt
- ignore
- important
- injure
- join
- keep
- lack
- lay bare
- lay off
- lay out
- leave
- leave alone
- lengthen
- lessen
- let go
- liberate
- liquefy
- loose
- loosen
- lose
- maintain
- material
- meaningful
- melt
- misinterpret
- mismatch
- miss
- mistake
- misunderstand
- mix up
- need
- neglect
- not adapt
- not conform
- not get
- obscure
- offer
- open
- oust
- overlook
- part
- pass
- physical
- prevent
- purify
- raze
- real
- refrain
- refuse
- reject
- release
- relevant
- remove
- repel
- repudiate
- resign
- reveal
- ruin
- scatter
- segregate
- separate
- sever
- shrink
- shun
- soften
- solid
- spend
- spew
- spread
- squander
- stay away
- stop
- straighten
- substantial
- subtract
- surrender
- take away
- take out
- thin
- turn away
- unbuckle
- uncomplicate
- uncouple
- uncover
- unfasten
- unite
- unlearn
- unlink
- unlock
- unloose
- unmix
- untangle
- untie
- untwist
- unwrap
- veto
- vomit
- want
- waste
- weaken
- withdraw
- yield
Definition of in corporate
Origin :- late 14c., "to put (something) into the body or substance of (something else)," from Late Latin incorporatus, past participle of incorporare "unite into one body," from Latin in- "into, in, on, upon" (see in- (2)) + corpus (genitive corporis) "body" (see corporeal). Meaning "to legally form a body politic" is from 1460s. Related: Incorporated; incorporating.
- As in nonphysical : adj immaterial
- As in unbodied : adj immaterial
- As in uncorporal : adj immaterial
- As in immaterial : adj not existing in physical form
- As in include : verb contain, involve
- As in incorporate : verb include, combine
- As in integrate : verb mix, merge
- As in involve : verb draw in; include
- As in join : verb unite
- As in link : verb connect
- As in merge : verb bring or come together
- As in absorb : verb mentally take in information
- As in mix : verb combine, join
- As in assimilate : verb absorb mentally
- As in refer : verb concern, apply
- As in seize : verb abduct; take by force
- As in synthesize : verb combine; make whole
- As in unite : verb combine; join together
- As in weave : verb blend, unite; contrive
- As in accumulate : verb gather or amass something
- As in subsume : verb include
- As in centralize : verb concentrate, draw toward a point
- As in intermix : verb mix
- As in personalize : verb embody
- As in classify : verb categorize
- As in preoccupy : verb absorb
- As in coalesce : verb blend, come together
- As in combine : verb connect, integrate
- As in comprise : verb make up, consist of
- As in consist of : verb made up of
- As in consolidate : verb combine; make firm
- As in constitute : verb comprise, form
- As in contain : verb include, hold
- As in co-opt : verb to assimilate in order to take over or appropriate
- As in cover : verb include, contain
- As in affiliate : verb associate or be associated with a larger organization
- As in digest : verb assimilate food
- As in embody : verb represent; materialize
- As in embody : verb include, integrate
- As in embrace : verb include in one's beliefs; take into account
- As in encompass : verb include, contain
- As in enlist : verb sign up for responsibility
- As in amalgamate : verb blend
Synonyms for in corporate
- absorb
- accept
- accommodate
- accompany
- accrue
- accumulate
- acquire
- actualize
- add
- add to
- add up to
- adhere
- admit
- admix
- adopt
- adulterate
- aerial
- affect
- affiliate
- affix
- agglomerate
- agglutinate
- aggregate
- airy
- allocate
- allot
- allow for
- alloy
- ally
- alphabetize
- amalgamate
- amass
- ambush
- amount to
- analyze
- annex
- answer
- apparitional
- append
- appertain
- appoint
- apprehend
- appropriate
- argue
- arrange
- arrest
- arrogate
- articulate
- asomatous
- assemble
- assign
- assimilate
- associate
- assort
- attach
- attract
- attune
- avail oneself of
- bag
- band
- band together
- be a matter of
- be about
- be composed of
- be contained in
- be directed to
- be enough
- be made up of
- be relevant
- be swallowed up
- bear
- bear upon
- become lost in
- become one
- become partners
- belong
- bind
- blend
- bodiless
- body forth
- bond
- bracket
- braid
- brand
- break down
- bring in
- bring into line
- bring into the fold
- bring together
- build
- build in
- build up
- bunch up
- bust
- button down
- cache
- call to arms
- call up
- capture
- careen
- carry
- carry off
- catalogue
- catch
- celestial
- cement
- centralize
- charter
- chymify
- clamp
- clasp
- class
- classify
- claw
- clean up
- cleave
- cling
- clip
- close ranks
- clutch
- coadjute
- coadunate
- coalesce
- codify
- cohere
- collect
- collocate
- combine
- come aboard
- come together
- commandeer
- commingle
- commit
- commix
- compact
- compass
- compile
- complect
- complement
- complete
- complicate
- compose
- compound
- comprehend
- comprise
- compromise
- concatenate
- concenter
- concentrate
- concern
- concrete
- concretize
- concur
- condense
- confederate
- confiscate
- conform
- conglomerate
- conjoin
- conjugate
- connaturalize
- connect
- conquer
- conscribe
- conscript
- consider
- consist of
- consolidate
- constitute
- construct
- consume
- contain
- converge
- convert
- cook up
- cooperate
- coordinate
- copulate
- correlate
- correspond with
- count
- couple
- cover
- create
- criss-cross
- crochet
- cross
- cue
- cumulate
- cut in on
- deal one in
- deal with
- demonstrate
- denote
- densen
- desegregate
- develop
- digest
- disbodied
- discarnate
- disembodied
- dispose
- dissolve
- distinguish
- distribute
- divide
- docket
- draft
- draw in
- draw together
- dream up
- dreamlike
- dreamy
- dub
- eat
- elect
- emblematize
- embody
- embrace
- embroil
- employ
- enact
- encircle
- enclose
- encompass
- enfold
- engage
- engross
- enmesh
- enroll
- entail
- entangle
- enter
- enter into
- entwine
- epitomize
- espouse
- establish
- ethereal
- evince
- exact
- examine
- exemplify
- exhibit
- expand
- express
- exteriorize
- externalize
- fabricate
- fasten
- federate
- file
- fill out
- fix
- flesh out
- focus
- fold
- follow
- force
- form
- form connection
- fortify
- found
- frame
- fudge together
- fuse
- gain
- gang up
- gather
- gather together
- get
- get into
- get together
- ghostly
- glue oneself to
- go in for
- go partners
- grab
- grade
- grapple
- grasp
- grip
- group
- grow
- hang together
- harden
- harmonize
- have
- have a bearing on
- have capacity for
- have reference
- have relation
- have to do with
- heap
- heap together
- heavenly
- hijack
- hire
- hitch
- hitch on
- hoard
- hold
- homogenize
- homologize
- hook
- hook in
- hook on
- hook up
- hook up with
- hybridize
- hypostatize
- identify
- illustrate
- imbibe
- immerge
- immerse
- impalpable
- implicate
- imply
- imponderable
- impound
- incarnate
- include
- incorporate
- incorporeal
- increase
- incriminate
- inculpate
- index
- induct
- infiltrate
- infuse
- ingest
- initiate
- inject
- inscribe
- insensible
- insert
- instill
- insubstantial
- intangible
- integrate
- interbreed
- interest
- interface
- interfold
- interject
- interlace
- interlink
- intermingle
- intermix
- interpolate
- intertwine
- interweave
- introduce
- involve
- join
- join forces
- join together
- join up
- join up with
- jumble
- juxtapose
- keep together
- kidnap
- knead
- knit
- knot
- label
- latch onto
- league
- learn
- leash
- levy
- lift
- line up
- link
- list
- load up
- lock
- loop
- lump
- lump together
- lurch
- macerate
- make
- make a bundle
- make a killing
- make allowance for
- make one's own
- make room for
- make up
- make use of
- manifest
- manufacture
- marry
- mass
- mat
- match
- mate
- materialize
- mean
- meet
- meld
- meld with
- melt
- melt into
- merge
- mesh
- metaphysical
- mingle
- mire
- mirror
- mix
- mix up
- mobilize
- monopolize
- move in and out
- muster
- nab
- nail
- name
- necessitate
- net
- network
- nonmaterial
- nonphysical
- number
- number among
- objectify
- oblige
- obtain
- occupy
- orchestrate
- order
- organize
- osmose
- overcome
- overpower
- overrun
- overwhelm
- pair
- peg
- personalize
- personify
- pertain
- pick up
- piece together
- pigeonhole
- pile
- pile up
- place
- plait
- plug into
- ply
- point
- point to
- pool
- pounce
- preoccupy
- press into service
- presuppose
- procure
- profit
- proportion
- prove
- provide for
- psychic
- pull together
- put away
- put down as
- put down for
- put together
- rack up
- range
- rank
- rank out
- rate
- rationalize
- reach
- realize
- receive
- reconcile
- reconciliate
- record
- recruit
- refer to
- regard
- regiment
- register
- reify
- reinforce
- relate
- render solid
- require
- reserve
- reticulate
- rivet
- roll up
- rope in
- round up
- saturate
- scare up
- seat
- secure
- segregate
- seize
- sense
- serve
- set
- set up
- sew
- shadowy
- show
- sign on
- size
- size up
- slap on
- snag
- snake
- snare
- snarl up
- soak up
- solidify
- sort
- span
- spectral
- spin
- spirit away
- spiritlike
- spiritual
- splice
- stabilize
- stack up
- stand for
- stand in with
- start
- stay together
- stick
- stick together
- stir
- stockpile
- store
- store up
- streamline
- strengthen
- subdue
- subjective
- submerge
- substantiate
- subsume
- suffice
- suffuse
- suggest
- sum up
- supernatural
- survey
- swallow
- swell
- symbolize
- symphonize
- synthesize
- systematize
- tab
- tabulate
- tack on
- tag
- tag along
- tag on
- take
- take account of
- take advantage of
- take by storm
- take captive
- take in
- take into account
- take on
- take one's measure
- take over
- take possession of
- take up
- tangle
- team up
- team up with
- teem with
- thicken
- throttle
- throw in together
- throw in with
- ticket
- tie
- tie in
- tie in with
- tie up
- tie up with
- touch
- transfuse
- trap
- tune
- twine
- twist
- twist and turn
- type
- typecast
- typify
- unbodied
- uncorporal
- understand
- unearthly
- unembodied
- unfleshly
- unify
- unite
- unsubstantial
- unworldly
- usurp
- volunteer
- weave
- wed
- welcome
- weld
- whip through
- wind
- work in
- wraithlike
- wrap up in
- wreathe
- wrench
- writhe
- yoke
- zigzag
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019