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Synonyms for zoological garden
Grammar : Noun |
Définition of zoological garden
- noun park for animals
- Reproductive organs not subject to disease in Zoological Garden.
- Extract from : « The Foundations of the Origin of Species » by Charles Darwin
- It adjoins Wade Park, where are a zoological garden and a lake.
- Extract from : « The Greatest Highway in the World » by Anonymous
- In the Zoological Garden there is a baby hippopotamus, which is fed on rice and milk.
- Extract from : « Letters to an Unknown » by Prosper Mrime
- In connection with the Museum were a botanical and a zoological garden.
- Extract from : « History of the Conflict Between Religion and Science » by John William Draper
- South of Maidan are several suburbs, and beyond these a zoological garden.
- Extract from : « Reminiscences » by Hans Mattson
- In connection with the museum was a botanical and a zoological garden.
- Extract from : « Bible Myths and their Parallels in other Religions » by T. W. Doane
- It has an area of 286 acres, and contains the zoological garden.
- Extract from : « Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 » by Various
- No zoological garden or park desires any of them, at any price.
- Extract from : « Our Vanishing Wild Life » by William T. Hornaday
- He had a wonderful collection of postage stamps, and was also engaged in forming a Zoological Garden.
- Extract from : « London to Ladysmith via Pretoria » by Winston Spencer Churchill
- The lion was absent, inspecting a zoological garden, and did not return until late; but he did return.
- Extract from : « Cobwebs From an Empty Skull » by Ambrose Bierce (AKA: Dod Grile)
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- gave regards
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- laggard
- laggardly
- lead up garden path
- led the garden path
- led up garden path
- led up the garden path
- niggard
- niggardliness
- niggards
- re-gard
- re gard
- re gards
- re-gards
- regard
- regard highly
- regarded
- regardful
- regardfully
- regarding
- regardless
- self-regard
- sluggard
- sluggardness
- zoological garden
- zoolike
- zoological
- zoological park
- zoologist
- zoology
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