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Synonyms for well-built
Grammar : Adj |
Spell : bilt |
Phonetic Transcription : bɪlt |
Top 10 synonyms for well-built Other synonyms for the word well-built
- abiding
- able-bodied
- abundant
- adult
- anchored
- ape
- audacious
- beefcake
- big-deal
- brave
- brick-wall
- bruising
- built to last
- calm
- capable
- caveman
- colt
- confident
- consequential
- considerable
- courageous
- curvaceous
- daring
- dauntless
- deep-rooted
- determined
- dignified
- durable
- enduring
- energetic
- equable
- established
- even
- extraordinary
- fast
- fearless
- fibrous
- firm
- fixed
- flourishing
- forceful
- forcible
- gallant
- generative
- generous
- gigantic
- goodly
- gorillalike
- hairy
- hale
- hard as nails
- hardy
- he-man
- healthy
- hearty
- heavy
- heavy-duty
- heavyweight
- hefty
- herculean
- heroic
- honorable
- hulk
- hulking
- hulky
- hunk
- husky
- immutable
- in fine feather
- indefatigable
- intrepid
- invariable
- jock
- jockstrap
- key
- large
- lasting
- lion-hearted
- lusty
- macho
- major-league
- male
- manful
- manlike
- manly
- mannish
- masculine
- massive
- material
- meaningful
- mighty
- momentous
- muscled
- muscular
- nailed
- noble
- ox
- perdurable
- permanent
- plentiful
- poised
- portly
- potent
- powerful
- powerhouse
- principal
- pumped up
- red-blooded
- reinforced
- reliable
- resolute
- ripped
- robust
- ropy
- rugged
- safe
- secure
- self-reliant
- serious
- set
- set in stone
- shapely
- significant
- sinewy
- sizable
- solid
- solid as a rock
- sound
- stabile
- stable
- stallion
- stalwart
- stark
- stately
- stationary
- staunch
- staying put
- steadfast
- steady
- stiff
- stocky
- stout
- stout-hearted
- stouthearted
- strapping
- stringy
- strong
- strong-arm
- stud
- sturdy
- substantial
- superabundant
- sure
- tall
- tenacious
- thickset
- tidy
- tiger
- together
- tough
- tuna
- two-fisted
- unalterable
- unchangeable
- undaunted
- unflagging
- unfluctuating
- uniform
- unvarying
- unwavering
- unyielding
- valiant
- valorous
- valuable
- vast
- vigorous
- virile
- voluptuous
- weighty
- well-built
- well-founded
- well-made
- well-shaped
- wiry
- worthwhile
Définition of well-built
Origin :- 1560s, "constructed, erected," past participle adjective from build (v.). Meaning "physically well-developed" is by 1940s (well-built in reference to a woman is from 1871); Built-in (adj.) is from 1898.
- As in muscular : adj powerfully built
- As in rugged : adj big, strong
- As in stable : adj constant, fixed; resistant
- As in strapping : adj big and strong
- As in strong : adj healthy, powerful
- As in sturdy : adj solid, durable
- As in substantial : adj important, ample
- As in manly : adj courageous
- As in masculine : adj manlike
- As in burly : adj husky
- As in well-rounded : adj fully developed
- As in manful : adj manly
- As in puissant : adj strong
- As in husky : adj big, burly
- The whole is a well-built machine for a pressure of the spirit.
- Extract from : « Continental Monthly, Vol. III, No IV, April 1863 » by Various
- Henry was a well-built, vigorous man, and walked with great rapidity.
- Extract from : « Henry IV, Makers of History » by John S. C. Abbott
- She is a strong, well-built, and safe boat, and I think will just answer your purpose.
- Extract from : « Little By Little » by William Taylor Adams
- It was a well-built, athletic frame, and he had gone to a good tailor.
- Extract from : « All Roads Lead to Calvary » by Jerome K. Jerome
- Sometimes a halt is made in villages of well-built grass huts.
- Extract from : « From Pole to Pole » by Sven Anders Hedin
- Among the few things he admired was a well-built handsome man.
- Extract from : « The Place of Honeymoons » by Harold MacGrath
- The Princess Maria Ivanovna was a tall, well-built woman of forty.
- Extract from : « Youth » by Leo Tolstoy
- The Veys of both sexes are well-built, erect, and somewhat stately.
- Extract from : « Captain Canot » by Brantz Mayer
- It was well-built, or it would have come to pieces from the tossing about it was now receiving.
- Extract from : « Sunshine Bill » by W H G Kingston
- The chief was a tall and well-built man, of about forty years of age.
- Extract from : « For Name and Fame » by G. A. Henty
Antonyms for well-built
- afraid
- agreeable
- attenuated
- broken
- calm
- changeable
- changing
- complacent
- courteous
- cowardly
- delicate
- different
- easy
- easy-going
- ephemeral
- ethereal
- even
- facile
- fearful
- feeble
- feminine
- flabby
- flat
- flexible
- fragile
- frail
- gentle
- idle
- imbalanced
- impermanent
- impotent
- impoverished
- inactive
- inconsiderable
- inconstant
- indefinite
- indistinct
- ineffective
- inept
- infirm
- insecure
- insignificant
- intermittent
- irresolute
- laid-back
- lazy
- lethargic
- level
- light
- little
- loose
- low
- meaningless
- meek
- mental
- mild
- miniature
- minor
- mistakable
- moderate
- moving
- nice
- obscure
- pale
- poor
- quiet
- refined
- reticent
- retiring
- selfish
- shaky
- shy
- skinny
- slack
- slight
- slim
- sluggish
- small
- smooth
- soft
- sophisticated
- spiritual
- temporary
- thin
- timid
- tiny
- trivial
- unable
- uncaring
- undependable
- underweight
- unfixed
- unhealthy
- unimportant
- unpowerful
- unprotected
- unreliable
- unsafe
- unsound
- unstable
- unsubstantial
- untrustworthy
- useless
- vague
- vulnerable
- weak
- wobbly
- worthless
- yielding
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019