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Synonyms for video
Grammar : Adj |
Spell : vid-ee-oh |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈvɪd iˌoʊ |
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Définition of video
Origin :- 1935, as visual equivalent of audio, from Latin video "I see," first person singular present indicative of videre "to see" (see vision). video game is from 1973.
- adj related to the televised image
- Despite the agony, his gaze did not waver from the video set across the room.
- Extract from : « No Hiding Place » by Richard R. Smith
- Now Neon is better at real soccer than he is at video game soccer.
- Extract from : « Collection » by Daniel Errico
- The new generation is more proficient in video games than in orthography.
- Extract from : « The Civilization of Illiteracy » by Mihai Nadin
- This book is also available in video format and as a computer game.
- Extract from : « The Civilization of Illiteracy » by Mihai Nadin
- I keyed for a video check of the interior of the lift as it started back up.
- Extract from : « Greylorn » by John Keith Laumer
- No snapshot can approximate a video sequence where humans are concerned.
- Extract from : « After the Rain » by Sam Vaknin
- With fingers that were icy cold, Case Damon flicked on the video.
- Extract from : « Beyond The Thunder » by H. B. Hickey
- He turned away from the video, and swung his gun around at Burnine.
- Extract from : « Beyond The Thunder » by H. B. Hickey
- And Sam Chipfellow's will pushed all else off the video screens and the front pages.
- Extract from : « Mr. Chipfellow's Jackpot » by Dick Purcell
- Public Information is taking care of the video and radio information.
- Extract from : « The Thirst Quenchers » by Rick Raphael
Words or expressions associated with your search
- access-provider
- access provider
- be evident
- day-care provider
- day care provider
- day-care providers
- divide
- divide with
- divided
- divided loyalties
- dividend
- dividends
- evidence
- evident
- evidently
- gave evidence
- improvidence
- improvident
- improvidently
- improvidents
- in direct-evidence
- in evidence
- Internet service provider
- leave evidence
- make evident
- makes evident
- making evident
- paid dividend
- pay dividend
- pay dividends
- pays dividend
- provide
- provide a living
- provide for
- provide sanctuary
- providence
- provident
- providently
- provider
- providing/provided
- redivide
- self-evident
- self-evident truth
- service provider
- videlicet
- video
- video camera
- video display terminal
- video-gazer
- video jockey
- video terminal
- visible evidence
- was evident
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