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Synonyms for unsafely

Grammar : Adv
Spell : seyf
Phonetic Transcription : seɪf

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Définition of unsafely

Origin :
  • c.1300, "unscathed, unhurt, uninjured; free from danger or molestation, in safety, secure; saved spiritually, redeemed, not damned;" from Old French sauf "protected, watched-over; assured of salvation," from Latin salvus "uninjured, in good health, safe," related to salus "good health," saluber "healthful," all from PIE *solwos from root *sol- "whole" (cf. Latin solidus "solid," Sanskrit sarvah "uninjured, intact, whole," Avestan haurva- "uninjured, intact," Old Persian haruva-, Greek holos "whole").
  • As a quasi-preposition from c.1300, on model of French and Latin cognates. From late 14c. as "rescued, delivered; protected; left alive, unkilled." Meaning "not exposed to danger" (of places) is attested from late 14c.; of actions, etc., "free from risk," first recorded 1580s. Meaning "sure, reliable, not a danger" is from c.1600. Sense of "conservative, cautious" is from 1823. Paired alliteratively with sound (adj.) from late 14c. The noun safe-conduct (late 13c.) is from Old French sauf-conduit (13c.).
  • As in treacherously : adv dangerously
  • As in dangerously : adv precariously
Example sentences :
  • I reached for it without considering how unsafely I was lying there, when suddenly I felt myself slipping down.
  • Extract from : « Hadda Padda » by Godmunder Kamban

Antonyms for unsafely

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019