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Synonyms for unaccessible

Grammar : Adj
Spell : ak-ses-uh-buh l
Phonetic Transcription : ækˈsɛs ə bəl

Définition of unaccessible

Origin :
  • c.1400, "affording access," from Middle French accessible, from Late Latin accessibilis, verbal adjective from Latin accessus "a coming near, approach" (see access (n.)). Meaning "easy to reach" is from 1640s; Of art or writing, "able to be readily understood," 1961 (a term not needed in the years before writing or art often deliberately was made not so).
  • As in unavailable : adj not available

Antonyms for unaccessible

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019