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Synonyms for ultraprecise

Grammar : Adj
Spell : pri-sahys
Phonetic Transcription : prɪˈsaɪs

Top 10 synonyms for ultraprecise Other synonyms for the word ultraprecise

Définition of ultraprecise

Origin :
  • mid-15c., from Middle French précis "condensed, cut short" (14c.) and directly from Medieval Latin precisus, from Latin praecisus "abrupt, abridged, cut off," past participle of praecidere "to cut off, shorten," from prae "before" (see pre-) + caedere "to cut" (see -cide; for Latin vowel change, see acquisition). Related: Precisely (late 14c.).
  • As in accurate : adj precise
  • As in veridical : adj accurate

Antonyms for ultraprecise

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