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Synonyms for tom

Grammar : Noun
Spell : tom
Phonetic Transcription : tɒm

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Définition of tom

Origin :
  • familiar shortening of masc. proper name Thomas, used by late 14c. as a type of a nickname for a common man. Applied 17c. as a nickname for several exceptionally large bells. Short for Uncle Tom in the sense of "black man regarded as too servile to whites" is recorded from 1959. Tom Walker, U.S. Southern colloquial for "the devil" is recorded from 1833. Tom and Jerry is first attested 1828 in many extended senses, originally the names of the two chief characters (Corinthian Tom and Jerry Hawthorn) in Pierce Egan's "Life in London" (1821); the U.S. cat and mouse cartoon characters debuted 1940 in "Puss Gets the Boot." Tom Thumb (1570s) was a miniature man in popular tradition before P.T. Barnum took the name for a dwarf he exhibited.
  • As in feline : noun cat
  • As in cat : noun feline animal, sometimes a pet
Example sentences :
  • As to the Gifted, I have heard Tom say often, that he was certain he was in a fit, and had it inwardly.
  • Extract from : « The Lamplighter » by Charles Dickens
  • So we was all quiet and still, Jim and me being scared, and Tom busy.
  • Extract from : « Tom Sawyer Abroad » by Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens)
  • Tom said we was right in the midst of the Arabian Nights now.
  • Extract from : « Tom Sawyer Abroad » by Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens)
  • It made him sick to listen to Tom, and to hear the people say "My land!"
  • Extract from : « Tom Sawyer Abroad » by Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens)
  • They went for me and Jim by the thousand, but not a one of them lit on Tom.
  • Extract from : « Tom Sawyer Abroad » by Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens)
  • Some called him Tom Sawyer the Traveler, and that just swelled him up fit to bust.
  • Extract from : « Tom Sawyer Abroad » by Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens)
  • DO you reckon Tom Sawyer was satisfied after all them adventures?
  • Extract from : « Tom Sawyer Abroad » by Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens)
  • Why, it seemed just like home; it 'most seemed as if I had been born and raised in it, and Jim and Tom said the same.
  • Extract from : « Tom Sawyer Abroad » by Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens)
  • Amory felt a stir of most unnecessary emotion; he understood Tom.
  • Extract from : « Quaint Courtships » by Various
  • Tom Sawyer was stumped; he see Jim had got him where he couldn't budge.
  • Extract from : « Tom Sawyer Abroad » by Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens)
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