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Synonyms for tipster
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : tip-ster |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈtɪp stər |
Top 10 synonyms for tipster Other synonyms for the word tipster
- accuser
- admonitor
- agent provocateur
- attorney
- authority
- backseat driver
- betrayer
- bigmouth
- blab
- blabber
- blabberer
- blabbermouth
- busybody
- buttinski
- canary
- clubhouse lawyer
- coach
- counsel
- crier
- deceiver
- decoy
- deep throat
- double-crosser
- Dutch uncle
- fat mouth
- finger
- fink
- fork tongue
- friend
- gasser
- gossip
- guide
- helper
- herald
- informant
- informer
- interviewer
- journalist
- judge
- kibitzer
- lawyer
- mentor
- messenger
- monitor
- narc
- nark
- nestor
- newsman
- notifier
- partner
- peacher
- plant
- police informer
- polly
- preacher
- priest
- propagandist
- quarterback
- quidnunc
- rat
- rat fink
- ratfink
- referee
- righthand man
- rumormonger
- scab
- scandalmonger
- second-guesser
- shill
- singer
- sleazemonger
- snake
- sneak
- snitch
- snitcher
- songbird
- source
- spy
- squeaker
- squealer
- stool pigeon
- stoolie
- tabby
- talebearer
- taleteller
- tattler
- tattletale
- teacher
- telltale
- tipster
- tout
- troublemaker
- turncoat
- tutor
- weasel
- whistle-blower
- whistleblower
- whistler
- windbag
Définition of tipster
- As in snitch : noun informer
- As in stool pigeon : noun informer to police
- As in tattletale/tattler : noun person who gossips, tells rumors
- As in weasel : noun sneak
- As in advisor : noun guide
- As in informer : noun reporter
- As in tattletale : noun gossip
- As in adviser : noun mentor
- As in informant : noun informer
- As in fink : noun informer
- The "tipster" in Wall Street is like the tout on the race track.
- Extract from : « Profitable Stock Exchange Investments » by Henry Voorce Brandenburg
- It is possibly in this last sense that the tipster uses the word.
- Extract from : « The Seven Curses of London » by James Greenwood
- Don't suppose a Delphic priest, or even a Derby tipster ever wasted time in prophesying to himself!
- Extract from : « Punch, or the London Charavari, Volume 93, October 8, 1887 » by Various
- The significance of these various facts is plain to the p. 407advertising tipster, and he shapes his baits accordingly.
- Extract from : « The Seven Curses of London » by James Greenwood
- If the tipster had only kept up that pace throughout the afternoon all his followers would be winners at the track.
- Extract from : « Pieces of Hate » by Heywood Broun
- That chap Blake did me a good turn once, bit of a tipster myself, but not a patch on him, dontcher know.
- Extract from : « The Riddle of the Purple Emperor » by Mary E. Hanshew and Thomas W. Hanshew
- I taxed him with it, and the man revealed himself then as Sammy Blake, the tipster.
- Extract from : « The Riddle of the Purple Emperor » by Mary E. Hanshew and Thomas W. Hanshew
Antonyms for tipster
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019