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Synonyms for tested
Grammar : Adj |
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Phonetic Transcription : tɛst |
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Définition of tested
Origin :- late 14c., "small vessel used in assaying precious metals," from Old French test, from Latin testum "earthen pot," related to testa "piece of burned clay, earthen pot, shell" (cf. Latin testudo "tortoise") and texere "to weave" (cf. Lithuanian tistas "vessel made of willow twigs;" see texture (n.)).
- Sense of "trial or examination to determine the correctness of something" is recorded from 1590s. The connecting notion is "ascertaining the quality of a metal by melting it in a pot." Test Act was the name given to various laws in English history meant to exclude Catholics and Nonconformists from office, especially that of 1673, repealed 1828. Test drive (v.) is first recorded 1954.
- adj proven
- Tested on the piano, the pitch was F-sharp and the time was my heart beat.
- Extract from : « The Story of the Mind » by James Mark Baldwin
- Tested by this, no one of our States except Texas ever was a sovereignty.
- Extract from : « The Papers And Writings Of Abraham Lincoln, Volume Five » by Abraham Lincoln
- Tested in this way, the tax on letters proved unsatisfactory.
- Extract from : « The Development of Rates of Postage » by A. D. Smith
- Tested by this, no one of our States, except Texas, ever was a sovereignty.
- Extract from : « Speeches and Letters of Abraham Lincoln, 1832-1865 » by Abraham Lincoln
- Tested by experiment, our reasoning is verified to the letter (fig. 29).
- Extract from : « Six Lectures on Light » by John Tyndall
- Tested by this conception the American woman is an ideal democrat.
- Extract from : « The Business of Being a Woman » by Ida M. Tarbell
- Tested twice in Washington, it has at neither time rated with the best in so far as cracking quality is concerned.
- Extract from : « Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Twenty-Fifth Annual Meeting » by Northern Nut Growers Association
- Tested in the altered moderator, it gives an intense white light, without smoke or smell.
- Extract from : « Cooley's Practical Receipts, Volume II » by Arnold Cooley
- Tested by any universal standard, "The Scarlet Letter" is a notable romance.
- Extract from : « The American Spirit in Literature, » by Bliss Perry
- Tested by that standard of happiness, it is a low-spirited, mirthless, and all but silent population that we have here now.
- Extract from : « Change in the Village » by (AKA George Bourne) George Sturt
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- contestable
- contestant
- contested
- contesting
- daftest
- de-testable
- de testable
- de tested
- de-tested
- de testing
- de-testing
- decisive test
- definitive test
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- detestable
- detestation
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- factest
- faintest idea
- false testimony
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- field test
- fierce contest
- final product test
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- give testimony
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- haltest
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- in the latest style
- incontestable
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- latest
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- latest fashion
- latest thing
- latest word
- latest words
- latest wrinkle
- latest wrinkles
- latests
- mostest
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- nightest
- notest
- nutest
- obtest
- order to testify
- partest
- patch test
- peaceful protest
- protest
- protestation
- protested
- protester
- protesting
- protestingly
- psychometric test
- put to the test
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- quitest
- raftest
- remotest
- Rorschach test
- rustest
- slightest
- small intestine
- summons to contest
- survival of the fittest
- taintest
- taste test
- tastest
- test
- test animal
- test copy
- test subject
- testament
- tested
- testee
- tester
- testify
- testify to
- testimonial
- testimony
- testing
- testing ground
- testing room
- testy
- the latest
- the latest cry
- the latest fad
- tightest
- un aptest
- unattested
- uncontestable
- wantest
- Western Blot test
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