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Synonyms for taste buds
Grammar : Noun |
Définition of taste buds
- noun taste cell
- We have, apparently, four kinds of taste buds, one for each of these kinds of taste.
- Extract from : « Physiology » by Ernest G. Martin
- Just cuddle a crumb with your tongue and if it tickles the taste buds it's prime.
- Extract from : « The Complete Book of Cheese » by Robert Carlton Brown
- The nerves of the sense of taste terminate in the tongue, or rather in the tiny cells of the tongue which are called "taste buds."
- Extract from : « Your Mind and How to Use It » by William Walker Atkinson
- Scattered about on that organ are many tiny sense organs known as taste buds.
- Extract from : « Physiology » by Ernest G. Martin
- These buds seem to carry the sense of feeling, and are said to be represented in mammals by the taste buds in our tongues.
- Extract from : « Zoology: The Science of Animal Life » by Ernest Ingersoll
- These taste buds are readily excited by savory substances, and transmit the impression along the connected nerve.
- Extract from : « A Practical Physiology » by Albert F. Blaisdell
- These papill contain organs known as taste buds, the sensory endings of which determine the taste of substances.
- Extract from : « A Civic Biology » by George William Hunter
Words or expressions associated with your search
- after-taste
- aftertaste
- be distasteful
- catastrophal
- catastrophe
- catastrophic
- distaste
- distasteful
- fantastic
- fantastic notion
- fantastical
- fantastical air
- fantasticality
- fantastically
- foretaste
- good taste
- good-tasting
- hadst no taste for
- has no taste for
- have no taste for
- in bad taste
- in good taste
- in poor taste
- one's taste
- one taste
- person good taste
- person of good taste
- poor taste
- pure taste
- taste
- taste bud
- taste-bud
- taste buds
- taste bulb
- taste goblet
- taste test
- tasted
- tastefully
- tastefulness
- tasteless
- tastelessly
- taster
- tasters
- tastest
- tastier
- tastiest
- tasty
- trip the light fantastic
- was distasteful
- ombudsman
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