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Synonyms for take a bath
Sorry, there is no synonym available for take-a-bath.
However, these words or phrases may match your search:
- badly mistaken
- bath
- bath powder
- bathe in
- bathed
- bathes in
- bathetic
- bathing
- bathing beauty
- bathing costume
- bathing-suit
- bathing suit
- bathings
- bathos
- bathrobe
- bathroom
- bathroom tissue
- bathtub gin
- bathyscaphe
- be mistaken
- be overtaken
- be taken
- be taken aback
- be taken to cleaners
- be taken to the cleaners
- be well taken
- bloodbath
- burn at the stake
- by mistake
- caretaker
- caretaker government
- double take
- easily taken in
- Finnish bath
- finnish baths
- fool mistake
- gave take
- give and take
- go to the bathroom
- grubstake
- grubstaker
- hard to take
- has what it takes
- imbathe
- in take
- in takes
- Japanese bath
- japanese baths
- made a mistake
- make a mistake
- make mistake
- makes a mistake
- mistaken
- no mistake
- not take kindly to
- on the take
- one-piece bathing suit
- one piece bathing suit
- one piece bathing suits
- one-piece bathing suits
- onepiece bathing suit
- onepiece bathing suits
- overtake
- overtaken
- partake
- partake of
- partaker
- partakes of
- plunge bath
- public bathroom
- quick on the uptake
- re take
- re taken
- re takes
- retake
- risk-taker
- risktaker
- Russian bath
- russian baths
- Sabbath
- Sabbath Day
- sabbath days
- sabbaths
- sauna bath
- Scandinavian steam bath
- sit and take it
- stake
- stake out
- stand up and take it
- steam bath
- Swedish bath
- sweepstake
- sweepstakes
- swimming bath
- take a beating
- take a bend
- take a boat
- take a break
- take a breather
- take a chance
- take a chill pill
- take a chunk out of
- take a crack
- take a crack at
- take a decision
- take a degree
- take a different look
- take a dig at
- take a dim view of
- take a dip
- take a flier
- take a fling
- take a flyer
- take a gander
- take a hand
- take a header
- take a hike
- take a hop
- take a leak
- take a life
- take a liking to
- take a load off
- take a look
- take a loss on
- take a meeting
- take a nap
- take a part of
- take a place
- take a plane
- take a plunge
- take a powder
- take a seat
- take a shine to
- take a shot
- take a shot at
- take a shower
- take a siesta
- take a snooze
- take a stab
- take a stab at
- take a stand
- take a stand against
- take a stroll
- take a swipe at
- take a train
- take a trip
- take a turn
- take a walk
- take a whack at
- take a wrong turn
- take aback
- take account
- take account of
- take action
- take advantage
- take advantage of
- take advice
- take after
- take all
- take all comers
- take all directions
- take along
- take amiss
- take an eye for an eye
- take an interest in
- take an oath
- take another look
- take another's place
- take apart
- take arms
- take as
- take as an example
- take as an insult
- take as example
- take as gospel
- take as gospel truth
- take as guide
- take as spouse
- take aside
- take at face value
- take at one's word
- take at word
- take away
- take back
- take back road
- take bath
- take battle stations
- take before the judge
- take best shot
- take breath away
- take bull by horns
- take bull by the horns
- take bus-subway-train
- take by storm
- take by surprise
- take cake
- take captive
- take care
- take care of
- take care of business
- take character
- take-charge
- take charge
- take charge of
- take chill pill
- take comers
- take comfort
- take counsel
- take count
- take course
- take cover
- take crack at
- take delight
- take delight in
- take different look
- take dig at
- take dim view of
- take directions
- take down
- take-down
- take down a notch
- take down a peg
- take down peg
- take easy
- take effect
- take exception
- take exception to
- take eye for eye
- take fire
- take first step
- take five
- take flight
- take food
- take for
- take for a ride
- take for better or worse
- take for granted
- take for ride
- take form
- take forty winks
- take from
- take from the top
- take from top
- take gander
- take hand
- take hat off to
- take header
- take heart
- take heed
- take helm
- take hold of
- take home
- take-home
- take-home income
- take-home pay
- take homes
- take-homes
- take hostage
- take in
- take-in
- take in all directions
- take in arms
- take in directions
- take in hand
- take in marriage
- take in one arms
- take in one's arms
- take in the sights
- take in to account
- take in to consideration
- take in to custody
- take in to one arms
- take initiative
- take interest in
- take into account
- take into consideration
- take into custody
- take into one's arms
- take issue
- take it
- take it all
- take it badly
- take it easy
- take it hard
- take it lying down
- take it off
- take it on the chin
- take it on the lam
- take it or leave it
- take it out of
- take it out on
- take its toll
- take joy in
- take kindly to
- take last of
- take law in to hands
- take law in to own hands
- take law into hands
- take lead
- take leaf out of book
- take leave
- take leave it
- take liberty
- take life easy
- take lightly
- take liking to
- take load chest
- take load mind
- take load off chest
- take load off mind
- take load off one chest
- take load off one mind
- take load off one's chest
- take load off one's mind
- take load off ones chest
- take load off ones mind
- take load one chest
- take load one mind
- take load one's chest
- take load one's mind
- take load ones chest
- take load ones mind
- take loan
- take look
- take meaning
- take measure
- take medicine
- take name in vain
- take nap
- take no notice
- take no notice of
- take no thought of the morrow
- take note
- take notice
- take notice of
- take nourishment
- take oath
- take off
- take off after
- take off all directions
- take off as
- take off directions
- take off hat to
- take off in all directions
- take off in directions
- take off weight
- take offense
- take offensive
- take offs
- take on
- take on board
- take on character
- take on loan
- take on too much
- take on trust
- take one arms
- take one breath away
- take one medicine
- take one on
- take one own sweet time
- take one's breath away
- take one's death
- take one's leave
- take one's life in one's hands
- take one's lumps
- take one's measure
- take one's medicine
- take one's own sweet time
- take one's place with
- take one's side
- take one's sweet time
- take one's time
- take one's word
- take one side
- take one sweet time
- take one time
- take one to court
- take one up on
- take ones breath away
- take ones medicine
- take ones own sweet time
- take ones side
- take ones sweet time
- take ones time
- take ones word
- take opportunity
- take or leave it
- take orders
- take out
- take out after
- take out of context
- take out of mothballs
- take out of play
- take out on
- take-out service
- take outs
- take-over
- take over from
- take own sweet time
- take pains
- take pains with
- take part
- take part in
- take part of
- take patiently
- take pity on
- take place
- take place of
- take place with
- take pleasure
- take pleasure in
- take plunge
- take possession
- take possession of
- take potshots
- take precautions
- take precedence
- take prisoner
- take rap
- take rap for
- take reins
- take revenge
- take road
- take role of
- take root
- take rug out from under
- take satisfaction
- take shape
- take shelter
- take ship
- take shot in the dark
- take shower
- take sick
- take sick with
- take side
- take soundings
- take special pains
- take stab at
- take stand
- take steam out
- take steps
- take stock
- take stock in
- take stock of
- take stroll
- take sweet time
- take swipe at
- take ten
- take tens
- take the bite out
- take the bite out of
- take the blame for
- take the bull by the horns
- take the bus/subway/train
- take the bussubwaytrain
- take the cake
- take the chair
- take the consequences
- take the count
- take the edge
- take the edge off
- take the fall
- take the field
- take the field against
- take the floor
- take the heat
- take the helm
- take the law on
- take the lead
- take the liberty
- take the lid off
- take the measure of
- take the oath
- take the offensive
- take the opportunity
- take the part of
- take the place of
- take the pledge
- take the plunge
- take the primrose path
- take the prize
- take the rap
- take the rap for
- take the reins
- take the road
- take the role of
- take the sting out
- take the sting out of
- take the time
- take the wind out
- take the wrong way
- take time out
- take to
- take to air
- take to be
- take to cleaners
- take to court
- take to each other
- take to heart
- take to mean
- take to pieces
- take to task
- take to the air
- take to the cleaner's
- take to the cleaners
- take to the road
- take to the streets
- take too much
- take train
- take turn
- take turn for better
- take turns
- take umbrage
- take unaware
- take unawares
- take under advisement
- take under consideration
- take under one's wing
- take under ones wing
- take under wing
- take up
- take up arms
- take up housekeeping
- take up on
- take up residence
- take up the gauntlet
- take up where left off
- take up with
- take upon
- take upon oneself
- take vengeance
- take vows
- take wind out of
- take wind out of sails
- take wing
- take word
- take wrong way
- take wrongly
- takeaway
- takedown
- takehomes
- takein
- taken
- taken a powder
- taken aback
- taken advantage of
- taken as a whole
- taken as known
- taken away
- taken back
- taken care of
- taken cleaners
- taken down
- taken hostage
- taken into custody
- taken leave
- taken off guard
- taken out
- taken over
- taken to the cleaners
- taken together
- taken up
- taken up with
- taken with
- takeoff
- takeoff strip
- takeoffed
- takeoffing
- takeover
- takeover bid
- takeovers
- taker
- takers
- takes
- takes a bath
- takes a beating
- takes a chance
- takes a chill pill
- takes a different look
- takes a dig at
- takes a header
- takes a hike
- takes a life
- takes a liking to
- takes a look
- takes a loss on
- takes a nap
- takes a plane
- takes a shower
- takes a stab at
- takes a stand
- takes a stroll
- takes a swipe at
- takes a train
- takes a turn
- takes aback
- takes account of
- takes action
- takes advantage
- takes advantage of
- takes all directions
- takes an interest in
- takes anothers place
- takes apart
- takes arms
- takes as an example
- takes as example
- takes at face value
- takes at one's word
- takes at word
- takes away
- takes back road
- takes bath
- takes blame for
- takes board
- takes bull by the horns
- takes bus subway train
- takes bus-subway-train
- takes by storm
- takes care
- takes care of
- takes chance
- takes charge
- takes chill pill
- takes chunk out of
- takes comfort
- takes court
- takes decision
- takes different look
- takes dig at
- takes directions
- takes down a peg
- takes each other
- takes easy
- takes effect
- takes first step
- takes flight
- takes floor
- takes for a ride
- takes for granted
- takes form
- takes from
- takes gander
- takes hand
- takes hard
- takes hat to
- takes header
- takes heat
- takes heed
- takes home
- takes in
- takes in all directions
- takes in directions
- takes in one's arms
- takes in to consideration
- takes in to one arms
- takes in to ones arms
- takes initiative
- takes interest in
- takes into consideration
- takes it easy
- takes it leave it
- takes it off
- takes it or leave it
- takes its toll
- takes law in to hands
- takes law in to own hands
- takes law into hands
- takes law into own hands
- takes leave it
- takes liberty
- takes life
- takes lightly
- takes liking to
- takes load chest
- takes load mind
- takes load off chest
- takes load off mind
- takes load off one chest
- takes load off one mind
- takes load off one's chest
- takes load off one's mind
- takes load off ones chest
- takes load off ones mind
- takes load one chest
- takes load one mind
- takes load one's chest
- takes load one's mind
- takes load ones chest
- takes load ones mind
- takes loan
- takes look
- takes measure
- takes medicine
- takes nap
- takes notice of
- takes oath
- takes off
- takes off all directions
- takes off directions
- takes off hat to
- takes off in all directions
- takes off in directions
- takes offensive
- takes on
- takes on character
- takes on loan
- takes on too much
- takes one breath away
- takes one medicine
- takes one own sweet time
- takes one's breath away
- takes one's death
- takes one's medicine
- takes one's own sweet time
- takes one's side
- takes one's sweet time
- takes one's time
- takes one side
- takes one sweet time
- takes one time
- takes one up on
- takes ones arms
- takes ones breath away
- takes ones medicine
- takes ones own sweet time
- takes ones side
- takes ones sweet time
- takes ones time
- takes opportunity
- takes or leave it
- takes orders
- takes out
- takes over
- takes over from
- takes own sweet time
- takes part
- takes part in
- takes part of
- takes place
- takes place of
- takes plane
- takes pleasure
- takes plunge
- takes possession
- takes possession of
- takes reins
- takes residence
- takes role of
- takes seat
- takes shape
- takes shelter
- takes shot at
- takes shower
- takes side
- takes siesta
- takes sights
- takes snooze
- takes stab at
- takes stand
- takes steps
- takes stock
- takes stroll
- takes sweet time
- takes ten
- takes the bus/subway/train
- takes the bus subway train
- takes the cake
- takes the edge
- takes the edge off
- takes the lead
- takes the liberty
- takes the opportunity
- takes the place of
- takes the reins
- takes the role of
- takes the time
- takes the wrong way
- takes time
- takes to
- takes to heart
- takes too much
- takes train
- takes turn
- takes up
- takes up on
- takes up with
- takes upon
- takes with
- takes wrong way
- taking a bath
- Turkish bath
- typing mistake
- undertake
- undertaken
- unmistaken
- uptake
- verbal mistake
- what it takes
- whirlpool bath