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Synonyms for sufferable
Grammar : Adj |
Spell : suhf-er |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈsʌf ər |
Top 10 synonyms for sufferable
Définition of sufferable
Origin :- mid-14c., "allowed, permissible;" late 14c., "able to be endured," from Anglo-French, Old French souffrable and Anglo-Latin sufferabilis; see suffer + -able.
- adj bearable
- It is so difficult to condole in a manner at all sufferable.
- Extract from : « Trevethlan (Vol 3 of 3) » by William Davy Watson
- Lady Ann was offended, and seriously: was alliance with such a woman permissible or sufferable?
- Extract from : « There and Back » by George MacDonald
- Your Madame must be insufferable indeed, seeing that her knowledge of these subjects and men did not make her sufferable to you.
- Extract from : « The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1 of 2) » by Frederic G. Kenyon
- Even Bully Pigeon was sufferable (as Paddy observed), if he was not altogether agreeable.
- Extract from : « The Three Midshipmen » by W.H.G. Kingston
- Yet no man will, at this day, pretend that the Greek of his prize ode is sufferable.
- Extract from : « Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine -- Volume 57, No. 351, January 1845 » by Various
- If Socialism should be the inevitable outcome it would at least come from the top and so be sufferable.
- Extract from : « The Living Present » by Gertrude Franklin Horn Atherton
Words or expressions associated with your search
- be insufficient
- be sufficient
- be suffused
- in sufferable
- in suffering
- in sufficiencies
- in sufficiency
- in sufficient
- in sufficiently
- in sufflate
- in sufflating
- insufferable
- insufficience
- insufficiency
- insufficient
- insufficiently
- insufflate
- self-sufficient
- suffer
- suffer defeat
- suffer loss
- sufferable
- suffered
- sufferer
- suffering
- suffers
- suffice
- sufficiency
- sufficient
- suffuse
- unsufferable
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