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Synonyms for subserviently
Grammar : Adv |
Spell : suh b-sur-vee-uh nt |
Phonetic Transcription : səbˈsɜr vi ənt |
Définition of subserviently
Origin :- 1630s, "useful, serviceable," from Latin subservientem (nominative subserviens), present participle of subservire "assist, lend support," from sub "under" (see sub-) + servire "serve" (see serve). The meaning "slavishly obedient" is first recorded 1794.
- As in obsequiously : adv servilely
- Nell approached her timidly and spoke softly, lovingly, subserviently.
- Extract from : « Mistress Nell » by George C. Hazelton, Jr.
- And yesterday, only yesterday, he would have saluted me subserviently!
- Extract from : « His Excellency the Minister » by Jules Claretie
- On the contrary, he and others of his ilk are most subserviently dependent on them.
- Extract from : « The Propaganda for Reform in Proprietary Medicines, Vol. 1 of 2 » by Various
- I saw also that he was handsome, and I was quite sure he must be rich, or no doctor would wait upon him so subserviently.
- Extract from : « Winter Evening Tales » by Amelia Edith Huddleston Barr
- Pedro was approaching them subserviently, a humble, bobbing head betokening his anxiety to please the fine folk.
- Extract from : « The Ghost Breaker » by Charles Goddard
- He looked, and was, a typical Prussian, subserviently polite to his superiors and pointedly arrogant to those who were not.
- Extract from : « Billy Barcroft, R.N.A.S. » by Percy F. Westerman
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