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Synonyms for spotted
Grammar : Adj |
Spell : spot-id |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈspɒt ɪd |
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Définition of spotted
Origin :- c.1200, "moral stain," probably from Old English splott "a spot, blot, patch (of land)" infl. by Middle Dutch spotte "spot, speck." Other cognates are East Frisian spot "speck," North Frisian spot "speck, piece of ground," Old Norse spotti "small piece." It is likely that some of these are borrowed, but the exact evolution now is impossible to trace.
- Meaning "speck, stain" is from mid-14c. The sense of "particular place" is from c.1300. Meaning "short interval in a broadcast for an advertisement or announcement" is from 1923. Proceeded by a number (e.g. five-spot) it originally was a term for "prison sentence" of that many years (1901, American English slang). To put (someone) on the spot "place in a difficult situation" is from 1928. Colloquial phrase to hit the spot "satisfy, be what is required" is from 1868. Spot check first attested 1933. Spot on "completely, accurately" is attested from 1920.
- adj speckled
- Here were two with wrists and sleeves all spotted with the ruddy grape juice.
- Extract from : « The White Company » by Arthur Conan Doyle
- It is most like a plucked pullet which has died of the spotted fever.
- Extract from : « The White Company » by Arthur Conan Doyle
- Frogs the frisky, frogs the spotted, were our comedy that day.
- Extract from : « The Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 10, No. 58, August, 1862 » by Various
- There is blood of mine, sir, Spotted all over the map of Europe.
- Extract from : « Micah Clarke » by Arthur Conan Doyle
- He would be spotted, branded with the sign of infamy, hunted from the world!
- Extract from : « A Comedy of Marriage and Other Tales » by Guy De Maupassant
- Some damned Mercutian flying patrol had spotted us with their search beam.
- Extract from : « Slaves of Mercury » by Nat Schachner
- It was spotted with green, and had red dots on its square head.
- Extract from : « The Chinese Fairy Book » by Various
- There are two sorts of Starlings in this country; one grey and spotted, and the other black.
- Extract from : « The History of Louisiana » by Le Page Du Pratz
- The Honourable George was more than spotted—he was splotchy.
- Extract from : « Ruggles of Red Gap » by Harry Leon Wilson
- Spotted Callas are easily grown from seed if it is sown as soon as ripe.
- Extract from : « The Mayflower, January, 1905 » by Various
Words or expressions associated with your search
- beauty spot
- de-spot
- de spot
- de spots
- de-spots
- dead spot
- despot
- despotic
- despotism
- fusspot
- hot spot
- in a tight spot
- in spot
- in spotlight
- in spots
- johnny on the spot
- Johnny-on-the-spot
- johnny-on-the-spots
- Kews Garden spotted fever
- kews garden spotted fevers
- night spot
- nightspot
- on spot
- on-the-spot
- on the spot
- on this spot
- one-spot
- one spot
- onespots
- put on the spot
- Rocky Mountain spotted fever
- soft spot
- soiled spot
- spot
- spot of sleep
- spotless
- spotlessness
- spots
- spotted fever
- spotter
- spotting
- sun spot
- tall order ticklish spot tight situation trouble
- tender spot
- tight spot
- tosspot
- turn spotlight on
- unspotted
- weak spot
- x marks spot
- X marks the spot
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