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Synonyms for sitcom

Grammar : Noun
Spell : sit-kom
Phonetic Transcription : ˈsɪtˌkɒm

Top 10 synonyms for sitcom Other synonyms for the word sitcom

Définition of sitcom

Origin :
  • 1964, from the first elements of situation comedy, a phrase attested from 1953 of television shows, 1943 of radio programs; see situation.
  • Even Bing Crosby has succumbed to series TV and will appear in a sitcom as an electrical engineer who happens to break into song once a week. ["Life," Sept. 18, 1964]
  • As in situation comedy : noun comedy about everyday situations
  • As in comedy : noun funny entertainment
Example sentences :
  • They were looking at one another like a couple of googly-eyed kids at the end of a date in a sitcom.
  • Extract from : « Makers » by Cory Doctorow

Antonyms for sitcom

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019