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Synonyms for sink in

Grammar : Verb
Spell : singk
Phonetic Transcription : sɪŋk

Top 10 synonyms for sink in Other synonyms for the word sink in

Définition of sink in

Origin :
  • Old English sincan (intransitive) "become submerged, go under, subside" (past tense sanc, past participle suncen), from Proto-Germanic *senkwanan (cf. Old Saxon sinkan, Old Norse sökkva, Middle Dutch sinken, Dutch zinken, Old High German sinkan, German sinken, Gothic sigqan), from PIE root *sengw- "to sink."
  • The transitive use (mid-13c.) supplanted Middle English sench (cf. drink/drench) which died out 14c. Related: Sank; sunk; sinking. Sinking fund is from 1724. Adjective phrase sink or swim is from 1660s. To sink without a trace is World War I military jargon, translating German spurlos versenkt.
  • As in penetrate : verb understand or be understood
  • As in register : verb make an impression
  • As in drill : verb bore hole

Antonyms for sink in

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019