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Synonyms for race track
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : reys-trak |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈreɪsˌtræk |
Définition of race track
- noun course for racing
- "Let us go into the Paddock," said Drake, and they began to cross the race track.
- Extract from : « The Christian » by Hall Caine
- You'll keep out of the racing cars and off the race track, my girl.
- Extract from : « From the Car Behind » by Eleanor M. Ingram
- You were speaking in the language of the race track, I presume.
- Extract from : « In Her Own Right » by John Reed Scott
- Besides this there is here a race track at which a meet was about to be held.
- Extract from : « Wanderings in the Orient » by Albert M. Reese
- For instance, it might have some connection with race track gambling.
- Extract from : « The Campfire Girls of Roselawn » by Margaret Penrose
- The "tipster" in Wall Street is like the tout on the race track.
- Extract from : « Profitable Stock Exchange Investments » by Henry Voorce Brandenburg
- After the publicity of the race track, this was the only refuge.
- Extract from : « Ainslee's magazine, Volume 16, No. 3, October, 1905 » by Various
- I went to the race track the other day and met a bookmaker I know.
- Extract from : « Jiglets » by Walter Jones
- Standing in the race track looking at Geers, Jim thought of Grant.
- Extract from : « Poor White » by Sherwood Anderson
- There was a grandstand, barns and a race track for harness racing.
- Extract from : « The Biography of a Rabbit » by Roy Benson
Words or expressions associated with your search
- abstract composition
- abstract design
- abstract principle
- abstract thought
- abstracted
- abstractedly
- abstraction
- abstractly
- academic track
- act of grace
- arboraceous
- attract
- attracted
- attraction
- attractions
- attractive
- attractive woman
- backtrack
- backtrackings
- be attracted
- be attracted to
- be contracted
- be on the track of
- believed abstraction
- brace
- brace house
- brace up
- braced
- bracelet
- bracer
- braces
- by contract
- ceraceous
- cinder track
- contraception
- contract
- contracted
- contracted for
- contraction
- contractions
- contractor
- coup de grace
- Cro-Magnon race
- cut a track
- cutting a track
- de tract
- de-tract
- de traction
- de-traction
- de-tractions
- de tractions
- de-tractive
- de tractor
- de-tractor
- de-tractors
- de tractors
- de tracts
- de-tracts
- detract
- detract from
- detraction
- detractive
- detractor
- detractory
- disgrace
- disgraceful
- distract
- distracted
- distractedly
- distraction
- drive to distraction
- dying race
- electronic ankle bracelet
- embrace
- embraced
- embracement
- embraces
- employment contract
- extract
- extractable
- extraction
- extracurricular activity
- fall from grace
- falling from grace
- falls from grace
- fast track
- fast tracked
- fast tracking
- fatal attraction
- fault trace
- fell from grace
- gat off the track
- gat off track
- gat the track
- gat track
- gestural abstraction
- get off the track
- get off track
- get sidetracked
- get the track
- get track
- gets off the track
- gets off track
- gets the track
- gets track
- getting off the track
- getting off track
- getting the track
- getting track
- good grace
- grace
- graceful
- gracefully
- graceless
- gracelessness
- gunny sack race
- horse race
- human race
- hypnotic attraction
- identity bracelet
- in disgrace
- in the abstract
- in tractability
- in tractable
- in tractableness
- in tractablenesses
- inside track
- intracervical insemination
- intractability
- intractable
- intractableness
- intractably
- keep track of
- keeping track of
- keeps track of
- kept track of
- kick over the traces
- kick over traces
- kicked over the traces
- kicked over traces
- kicking over the traces
- kicks over traces
- labor contract
- laugh soundtrack
- leave no trace
- leave trace
- leave tracks
- leaved no trace
- leaves no trace
- leaves trace
- leaving no trace
- left no trace
- left tracks
- magistracy
- main attraction
- make attractive
- make tracks
- neck and neck race
- neck-and-neck race
- not protracted
- off beaten track
- off the beaten track
- off-track
- off track
- off track betting
- off-track betting
- offtrack
- on the right track
- on the wrong track
- on track
- one track mind
- one-track mind
- onetrack mind
- ostracism
- ostracization
- ostracizations
- ostracize
- ostracized
- protract
- protracted
- put out a contract
- putting out a contract
- race
- race against time
- race course
- race discrimination
- race discriminations
- race extermination
- race murder
- race-murder
- race prejudice
- race snobbery
- race track
- race walking
- racecourse
- raced
- racehorse
- raceme
- racemes
- racemose
- racer
- races
- racetrack
- raceway
- radar tracking station
- rat race
- re trace
- re traced
- re traces
- re tracing
- re tracings
- re tract
- re traction
- re tractions
- re tracts
- retrace
- retract
- retracted
- retractile
- retraction
- running track
- sack-race
- sack race
- sexual attraction
- sidetrack
- skip tracer
- social graces
- speed track
- substract
- subtract
- subtraction
- sweetheart contract
- terrace
- to distraction
- trace
- traceable
- traced
- tracery
- tracing
- track
- track down
- trackable
- tracked vehicle
- tracker
- tracking station
- tracking system
- trackless
- tract
- tractability
- tractable
- tractableness
- tractate
- ultraconservative
- un attractive
- unattractive
- ungraceful
- walk the tracks
- walking tracks
- was attracted to
- with good grace
- yellow-dog contract
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