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Synonyms for quester
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : kwest |
Phonetic Transcription : kwɛst |
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Définition of quester
Origin :- c.1300, "an inquest;" early 14c., "a search for something" (especially of judicial inquiries or hounds seeking game), from Old French queste "search, quest, chase, hunt, pursuit; inquest, inquiry" (12c., Modern French quête), properly "the act of seeking," and directly from Medieval Latin questa "search, inquiry," alteration of Latin quaesitus (fem. quaesita) "sought-out, select," past participle of quaerere "seek, gain, ask" (see query (n.)). Romance sense of "adventure undertaken by a knight" (especially the search for the Grail) is attested from late 14c. Johnson's dictionary has questmonger "Starter of lawsuits or prosecutions."
- noun inquirer
- The nation of scholars pictured the quester as a student, not as a knight.
- Extract from : « Studies on the Legend of the Holy Grail » by Alfred Nutt
- Even now, the Quester's adventure is a desperate one—few there be that find It.
- Extract from : « The Secret Glory » by Arthur Machen
- As regards the quester himself, the maiden he thus woos is his reward and the noblest prize earth has to offer him.
- Extract from : « Studies on the Legend of the Holy Grail » by Alfred Nutt
- I mean the higher law that is found at last by the quester after goodness, beauty and truth.
- Extract from : « The Hive » by Will Levington Comfort
Words or expressions associated with your search
- be quest
- be quested
- be questing
- be quests
- beg the question
- bequest
- beyond question
- call in question
- call into question
- call question
- called into question
- calling question
- calls into question
- calls question
- common questions
- conquest
- deliquesce
- deliquescence
- deliquescent
- equestrian
- equestrian skill
- field question
- field the question
- fielded question
- fielded the question
- fielding question
- fielding the question
- fields question
- fields the question
- fire question
- fire the question
- fired the question
- fires question
- in quest
- in question
- inquest
- leading question
- liquescent
- listed questions and answers
- no question
- obliques
- open question
- open to question
- pop the question
- put out a feeler question
- put to the question
- putting question
- putting the question
- putting to question
- putting to the question
- ques sera sera
- quest
- quested
- quester
- questing
- question
- question-and-answer method
- question and answer sessions
- question answer session
- question answer sessions
- question mark
- questionability
- questionable
- questionableness
- questionably
- questioned
- questioner
- questioners
- questioning
- questioningly
- questionless
- questionnaire
- questions
- quests
- raise a question
- raise question
- raised a question
- raised question
- raises a question
- raises question
- raising a question
- raising question
- re quest
- re quested
- re quests
- request
- request for payment
- requested
- rhetorical question
- sequester
- sequestered
- sequestration
- sixty-four dollar question
- techniques
- unquestionable
- unquestionably
- unquestioned
- without question
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Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019