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Synonyms for put on back burner
Grammar : Verb |
Top 10 synonyms for put on back burner Other synonyms for the word put on back burner
- balk
- block
- break up
- can
- check
- confound
- cool
- cool it
- corner
- count out
- crab
- cramp
- cramp one's style
- cut off
- cut short
- dead-end
- debar
- defeat
- detain
- dismiss
- drop
- eliminate
- enter
- exclude
- extend
- file
- foil
- freeze
- give a rain check
- give rain check
- give the run around
- give up
- halt
- hang
- hang fire
- hang up
- hinder
- hold
- hold off
- hold over
- hold up
- impede
- inactivate
- intermit
- interrupt
- lay aside
- lay off
- lay on the table
- lay over
- lengthen
- mothball
- move
- mystify
- nonplus
- obstruct
- omit
- pigeonhole
- pink-slip
- postpone
- prevent
- procrastinate
- prolong
- propose
- prorogue
- protract
- put a stop to
- put an end to
- put aside
- put back
- put forward
- put off
- put on back burner
- put on hold
- put on ice
- put on the shelf
- puzzle
- reject
- remit
- retard
- rule out
- scrub
- set aside
- shelve
- sideline
- slow
- slow up
- snooker
- stall
- stave off
- stay
- stonewall
- stump
- submit
- suggest
- suspend
- table
- throw a monkey wrench into
- thwart
- tie up
- waive
- withhold
Définition of put on back burner
- As in postpone : verb put off till later time
- As in shelve : verb defer, postpone
- As in stymie : verb frustrate, hinder
- As in suspend : verb delay, hold off
- As in table : verb postpone a proposition
- As in defer : verb hold off, put off
Antonyms for put on back burner
- abbreviate
- abet
- accept
- add
- advance
- aid
- allow
- assist
- begin
- carry on
- carry out
- clarify
- clear up
- complete
- continue
- decide
- do
- encourage
- enlighten
- expedite
- explain
- explicate
- facilitate
- finish
- force
- forge
- forward
- further
- go
- go ahead
- hasten
- help
- hurry
- include
- keep on
- let go
- maintain
- open
- persevere
- persist
- promote
- push
- release
- rise
- shorten
- stop
- support
- sustain
- vote
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019