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Synonyms for police wagon
Grammar : Noun |
Top 10 synonyms for police wagon
Définition of police wagon
- As in Black Maria : noun police van
- As in paddy wagon : noun police car
- As in police car : noun motor vehicle used by law enforcement
- The constables mounted their horses and with the police wagon departed.
- Extract from : « Bulldog Carney » by W. A. Fraser
- Just as I reached Front Street the police wagon came hurriedly dashing down the street.
- Extract from : « Broke » by Edwin A. Brown
- "I just heard the ambulance and the police wagon going up the street," said Mickey.
- Extract from : « Hookers » by Richard F. Mann
- The police wagon now backed up to the curb and the boys stepped inside followed by Captain Joe.
- Extract from : « The River Motor Boat Boys on the St. Lawrence » by Harry Gordon
- My brother Middleton drove the police wagon: they used to call it Black Maria.
- Extract from : « Slave Narratives Vol. XIV. South Carolina, Part 1 » by Various
- "Oh, maybe the police wagon will come and you can see it from here," added Mary, trying to do her best to aid in soothing William.
- Extract from : « The Curlytops and Their Playmates » by Howard R. Garis
- Then we all sat down and had some champagne, and while they were waiting for the police wagon, they gave some to poor McGuirk.
- Extract from : « When a Man Marries » by Mary Roberts Rinehart
- "Nobody left in here, Jim," he called to the other officer on the police wagon.
- Extract from : « The Story of a China Cat » by Laura Lee Hope
Words or expressions associated with your search
- acropolis
- apple polish
- apple-polish
- apple-polisher
- apple polisher
- body politic
- cosmopolitan
- cosmopolite
- de-spoliation
- de spoliation
- de spoliations
- de-spoliations
- dirty politics
- environmental policy
- equal rights policy
- fabian policies
- Fabian policy
- gambling police
- geopolitical study
- geopolitics
- geopolitik
- harp polisher
- impolite
- impolitely
- impoliteness
- impolitic
- kitchen police
- let-alone policy
- member of body politic
- metropolis
- metropolitan
- military police
- monopolize
- monopolizing
- necropolis
- numbers policy
- open-door policy
- party policy
- playing politics
- police
- police car
- police force
- police officer
- police officers
- police photograph
- police van
- police vehicle
- police wagon
- police woman
- policeman
- policewoman
- policies
- policing
- policy
- policy change
- policyspeak
- polish
- polish off
- polished
- polished manners
- polite
- polite remark
- polite society
- politely
- politeness
- politesse
- politic
- political
- political action committee
- political correctness
- political favor
- political home
- political liberty
- political practice
- political scene
- political views bias-free
- politically
- politically correct
- politician
- politicians
- politics
- polity
- prostitution police
- silent policeman
- sleeping policeman
- special police
- spoliation
- tactical police
- unpolished
- wait-and-see policy
- bandwagon
- battlewagon
- book wagon
- buck wagon
- chuck wagon
- Conestoga wagon
- covered wagon
- dog wagon
- fall off the wagon
- falls off wagon
- gat on the wagon
- gat on wagon
- gat the wagon
- gat wagon
- get on bandwagon
- get on the wagon
- get on wagon
- get the wagon
- get wagon
- gets on the wagon
- gets on wagon
- getting on the wagon
- getting on wagon
- getting the wagon
- getting wagon
- go on the wagon
- hospital wagon
- jump bandwagon
- jump on bandwagon
- jump on the bandwagon
- jumped the bandwagon
- jumping on bandwagon
- jumps the bandwagon
- lunch wagon
- on the wagon
- on wagon
- one who is on the wagon
- paddy wagon
- patrol wagon
- prairie wagon
- station wagon
- tea wagon
- wagon
- wagon-lit
- wagon vault
Most wanted synonyms
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