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Synonyms for pensioner
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : pen-shuh-ner |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈpɛn ʃə nər |
Définition of pensioner
Origin :- late 15c., from Anglo-French pensionner, from Old French pensionnier (mid-14c.), from Medieval Latin pensionarius, from pension (see pension (n.)).
- noun retired person
- While Pensioner was saying this, he took the tongs and picked a live coal from the fire.
- Extract from : « Our Young Folks, Vol 1, No. 1 » by Various
- His mother and the Pensioner were sitting before the fire as he entered the house.
- Extract from : « Our Young Folks, Vol 1, No. 1 » by Various
- “He is a jolly boy,” said the pensioner to Paul's mother, as Paul left the room.
- Extract from : « Our Young Folks, Vol 1, No. 1 » by Various
- I have been his pensioner for nigh a year back: I am so still.
- Extract from : « One Of Them » by Charles James Lever
- I suspect, however, that you will soon be freed from your pensioner.
- Extract from : « Charles Lever, His Life in His Letters, Vol. II (of II) » by Edmund Downey
- He often found him under the maple in front of the Pensioner's house.
- Extract from : « Winning His Way » by Charles Carleton Coffin
- "He is a jolly boy," said the Pensioner to Paul's mother, as Paul left the room.
- Extract from : « Winning His Way » by Charles Carleton Coffin
- Man's case is always that of the prodigal's favourite or the miser's pensioner.
- Extract from : « A Pair of Blue Eyes » by Thomas Hardy
- A neighbour (Andrew Goldie, the pensioner) lent me his piece, and loaded it to me.
- Extract from : « The Life of Mansie Wauch » by David Macbeth Moir
- Yet who shall say, with certainty, that Young was a pensioner?
- Extract from : « The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. in Nine Volumes » by Samuel Johnson
Words or expressions associated with your search
- additional compensation
- aerosol dispenser
- bare expense
- bare the expense
- be in suspense
- be suspense
- bear the expense
- capital expense
- compensate
- compensating
- compensation
- compensation package
- compensatory
- daily expense allowance
- dampens spirits
- dispensation
- dispense
- dispense with
- dispenser
- estimated expenses
- expense
- expenses
- expensive
- general expenses
- had propensity
- hang in suspense
- happens
- happenstance
- have propensity
- in dispensable
- in expensive
- in expensively
- in suspense
- indispensability
- indispensable
- indispensably
- laying opens
- malice prepense
- malice prepenses
- nonremunerated business expenses
- offer compensation
- old-age pensioner
- opens can of worms
- opens can worms
- opens door
- opens doors
- opens eyes
- opens floodgates
- opens heart
- opens mouth
- opens one heart
- opens one mouth
- opens one's eyes
- opens one's heart
- opens one's mouth
- opens ones eyes
- opens ones heart
- opens ones mouth
- opens throttle
- opens to view
- opens up
- opens view
- operating expense
- paid expenses of
- pay expenses of
- penscripts
- pensile
- pension
- pensioned
- pensioning
- pensioning off
- pensive
- pensively
- propensity
- re-compensations
- re compensations
- re-opens
- re opens
- recompensation
- recompense
- suspense
- suspension
- whatever happens
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