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Synonyms for paternoster
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : pey-ter-nos-ter, pah‐, pat-er‐ |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈpeɪ tərˈnɒs tər, ˈpɑ‐, ˈpæt ər‐ |
Top 10 synonyms for paternoster Other synonyms for the word paternoster
Définition of paternoster
Origin :- "the Lord's Prayer," Old English Pater Noster, from Latin pater noster "our father," first words of the Lord's Prayer in Latin. Meaning "set of rosary beads" first recorded mid-13c. Paternoster Row, near St. Paul's in London (similarly named streets are found in other cathedral cities), reflects the once-important industry of rosary bead-making.
- As in open sesame : noun magic words for entry
- Paternoster rises sheer from the water to a height of more than 900 feet.
- Extract from : « The Last Voyage » by Lady (Annie Allnutt) Brassey
- Christians we are,” said Pharaoh, “and will say our Paternoster and Credo with any man.
- Extract from : « In the Days of Drake » by J. S. Fletcher
- I will say my Paternoster in English with anybody, and my Belief too, for that matter.
- Extract from : « In the Days of Drake » by J. S. Fletcher
- Death gave him time only to recite an Ave Maria, and a Paternoster.
- Extract from : « Italian Popular Tales » by Thomas Frederick Crane
- Not a thought of prayer, not one paternoster entered his mind.
- Extract from : « The French Prisoners of Norman Cross » by Arthur Brown
- She began to repeat her paternoster, but she forgot how the words came.
- Extract from : « Stories By English Authors: France » by Various
- She had not been able to pray; ave and paternoster alike had failed her.
- Extract from : « Remember the Alamo » by Amelia E. Barr
- Some said "Our Father" and some "Paternoster," and they all meant the same.
- Extract from : « The Transformation of Job » by Frederick Vining Fisher
- Such a bill as came in this week past from a silkman in Paternoster Row!
- Extract from : « It Might Have Been » by Emily Sarah Holt
- Then to Paternoster Row to buy things for my wife against her going.
- Extract from : « Diary of Samuel Pepys, Complete » by Samuel Pepys
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