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Synonyms for pasture
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : pas-cher, pahs- |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈpæs tʃər, ˈpɑs- |
Définition of pasture
Origin :- c.1300, "grass eaten by cattle," from Old French pasture "fodder, grass eaten by cattle" (12c., Modern French pâture), from Late Latin pastura "a feeding, grazing," from Latin pastus, past participle of pascere "to feed, graze" (see pastor). Meaning "land covered with vegetation suitable for grazing" is from early 14c. To be out to pasture "retired" is from 1945, from what was done (ideally) to horses after the active working life.
- noun field for animals
- In the dewy mornings, she hop-skipped and jumped by his side into the pasture to bring in the cows.
- Extract from : « Dust » by Mr. and Mrs. Haldeman-Julius
- He could run a mower, and clean a pasture of weeds in a day.
- Extract from : « Dust » by Mr. and Mrs. Haldeman-Julius
- After entering the pasture, the princess paused and looked around.
- Extract from : « Tanglewood Tales » by Nathaniel Hawthorne
- Down in the pasture at the end of the lane lived an old woodchuck.
- Extract from : « A Little Book of Profitable Tales » by Eugene Field
- Butter and milk, the produce of their own pasture, were of course supplied.
- Extract from : « Female Scripture Biographies, Vol. I » by Francis Augustus Cox
- The best time for making cheese is when the pasture is in perfection.
- Extract from : « Directions for Cookery, in its Various Branches » by Eliza Leslie
- And what about the garden, and the fruit, if you turn the water all down into the pasture?
- Extract from : « Good Indian » by B. M. Bower
- I walked up through the pasture and passed the "Great Ledge."
- Extract from : « The Bay State Monthly, Vol. 1, Issue 1. » by Various
- Tusser also describes this use of land alternately as pasture and arable.
- Extract from : « The Enclosures in England » by Harriett Bradley
- Land which was in part already abandoned, was turned into pasture.
- Extract from : « The Enclosures in England » by Harriett Bradley
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- pastorals
- pastorate
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- pastry maker
- pastry shop
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- pasture
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- pasturing
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- putting out to pasture
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