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Synonyms for papier mache
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : pey-per-muh-shey, -ma-; French pa-pyey-mah-shey |
Phonetic Transcription : ˌpeɪ pər məˈʃeɪ, -mæ-; French pa pyeɪ mɑˈʃeɪ |
Définition of papier mache
Origin :- also papier mache, 1753, from French papier-mâché, literally "chewed paper," from Old French papier "paper" (see paper (n.)) + mâché "compressed, mashed," from past participle of mâcher, literally "to chew," from Late Latin masticare "masticate" (see mastication).
- As in wood pulp : noun ground material from wood
- Cover these cores, to natural size of muscles, with papier mache.
- Extract from : « Taxidermy » by Leon Luther Pray
- Yet the bars of that cell door were chrome steel, not papier mache.
- Extract from : « Hooded Detective, Volume III No. 2, January, 1942 » by Various
- A papier mache pad is prepared with a spirit message on one surface; on the other is pasted a piece of newspaper.
- Extract from : « Hours with the Ghosts or, Nineteenth Century Witchcraft » by Henry Ridgely Evans
- In the other experiment the medium uses a papier mache slate, set in the usual wooden frame.
- Extract from : « Hours with the Ghosts or, Nineteenth Century Witchcraft » by Henry Ridgely Evans
- I concluded to give up right in my tracks, and let myself be wet down into papier mache by the descending elements.
- Extract from : « The Humors of Falconbridge » by Jonathan F. Kelley
- Turtles mounted with sawdust dry very quickly and usually very slowly when finished in papier mache.
- Extract from : « Taxidermy » by Leon Luther Pray
- The ideal way is to use a tanned, thin pared scalp, mounting it with papier mache upon a modeled mannikin.
- Extract from : « Taxidermy » by Leon Luther Pray
- Some of these powdered and glued on papier mache or cork bark stumps and limbs produce a very pleasing effect.
- Extract from : « Home Taxidermy for Pleasure and Profit » by Albert B. Farnham
- Papier mache is also a good modeling material for stumps, limbs and rock, being light, and readily taking coats of glue or paint.
- Extract from : « Home Taxidermy for Pleasure and Profit » by Albert B. Farnham
- There is on the market a papier mache background also adapted to any picture frame, called the "concave dust proof case."
- Extract from : « Home Taxidermy for Pleasure and Profit » by Albert B. Farnham
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