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Synonyms for paleolithic men
Grammar : Noun |
Définition of paleolithic men
- As in Cro-Magnon man : noun stone age man
- Like the Neanderthal and Furfooz men they are described generally as paleolithic men, for their implements were of rough stone.
- Extract from : « A History of Spain » by Charles E. Chapman
Words or expressions associated with your search
- beyond the pale
- grow pale
- impale
- impaled
- impalement
- made pale
- make pale
- opalescence
- opalescent
- pale
- pale blue
- Pale Death
- pale deaths
- pale-faced
- pale horse
- pale red
- pale rider
- paleness
- paleo-botanies
- paleo botanies
- paleo-botany
- paleohistory
- paleolith
- paleolithic men
- paleologist
- paleology
- paleontologist
- paleontology
- pales
- paletot
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