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Synonyms for ordinariness
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : awr-dn-er-ee |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈɔr dnˌɛr i |
Top 10 synonyms for ordinariness
Définition of ordinariness
Origin :- early 15c., "belonging to the usual order or course," from Old French ordinarie "ordinary, usual" and directly from Latin ordinarius "customary, regular, usual, orderly," from ordo (genitive ordinis) "order" (see order (n.)). Its various noun usages, dating to late 14c. and common until 19c., now largely extinct except in out of the ordinary (1893). In British education, Ordinary level (abbrev. O level), "lowest of the three levels of General Certificate of Education," is attested from 1947. Related: Ordinarily.
- noun usualness
- Mr. Hazlewood had carried with him a wonderful assurance of ordinariness.
- Extract from : « Guy and Pauline » by Compton Mackenzie
- And withal, the ordinariness and the midland gumption of the scene were shot through with the bright exotic rays of romance!
- Extract from : « Hilda Lessways » by Arnold Bennett
- There is an ordinariness, an indistinctness, a generalization, not even to be found in a flock of sheep.
- Extract from : « Imaginary Conversations and Poems » by Walter Savage Landor
- He tried to take Tump's appearance casually; he tried to maintain an air of ordinariness.
- Extract from : « Birthright » by T.S. Stribling
Words or expressions associated with your search
- according
- according hoyle
- according-hoyle
- according rule
- according the book
- according to
- according to Hoyle
- according to law
- according to pleasure
- according to protocol
- according to regulation
- according to rule
- according to the book
- according to the calculated share
- according to the highest authority
- according to the letter
- according to what
- accordingly
- accordion
- accordion door
- affording
- be insubordinate
- be subordinate to
- book recording
- by ordinary
- coordinate
- coordinate geometry
- coordinated
- coordinated successive crowd wave
- coordinated universal time
- coordinately
- coordination
- coordinator
- cordial
- cordiality
- cordially
- cordillera
- cordilleran belt
- digital recording
- entente cordiale
- extraordinarily
- extraordinariness
- extraordinary
- foreordination
- Gordian
- Gordian knot
- in ordinate
- in subordinate
- in subordination
- in subordinations
- inordinancy
- inordinate
- inordinately
- insubordinate
- insubordination
- made recording
- make a recording
- make recording
- making recording
- ordinal
- ordinals
- ordinance
- ordinaries
- ordinariness
- ordinary
- ordinary citizen
- ordinary Joe
- ordinary joes
- ordinary people
- ordinary shares
- ordinate
- ordination
- out of the ordinary
- passwording
- primordial
- re cording
- re-cording
- re-cordings
- re cordings
- re wording
- re wordings
- recording
- recordings
- rite of ordination
- subordinate
- subordinately
- subordination
- tape recording
- tape-recording
- taperecording
- uncoordinated
- uncordiality
- Universal Coordinated Time
- Universal Time Coordinated
- was insubordinate
- wordiness
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