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Synonyms for on board
Grammar : Adj, adv |
Spell : on-bawrd, -bohrd, awn- |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈɒnˈbɔrd, -ˈboʊrd, ˈɔn- |
Top 10 synonyms for on board Other synonyms for the word on board
- accounted for
- active
- at hand
- at it
- at work
- available
- awaiting
- boarded
- busy
- consigned
- continuing
- dependent
- embarked
- en route
- engaged
- existent
- forthcoming
- hanging
- hereabouts
- hired
- hitherto
- in a job
- in attendance
- in collar
- in harness
- in line
- in place
- in the balance
- in the offing
- in the works
- in this direction
- in transit
- in view
- indeterminate
- inked
- laboring
- loaded
- made the scene
- moving
- near
- occupied
- ominous
- on
- on board
- on deck
- on duty
- on hand
- on line
- on the job
- on the payroll
- on this spot
- on-the-spot
- operating
- passing
- pensile
- plugging away
- present
- ready
- retained
- selected
- shipped
- show up
- signed
- there
- there with bells on
- transportable
- traveling
- undetermined
- unsettled
- up in the air
- within reach
- working
Définition of on board
Origin :- Old English bord "a plank, flat surface," from Proto-Germanic *burdam (cf. Old Norse borð "plank," Dutch bord "board," Gothic fotu-baurd "foot-stool," German Brett "plank"), from PIE *bhrdh- "board," from root *bherdh- "to cut." See also board (n.2), with which this is so confused as practically to form one word (if indeed they were not the same word all along).
- A board is thinner than a plank, and generally less than 2.5 inches thick. The transferred meaning "food" (late 14c.) is an extension of the late Old English sense of "table" (cf. boarder, boarding); hence, also, above board "honest, open" (1610s). A further extension is to "table where council is held" (1570s), then transferred to "leadership council, council (that meets at a table)," 1610s.
- As in pending : adj about to happen
- As in present : adj nearby, here
- As in traveling : adj transported
- As in jobholding : adj employed
- As in aboard : adj on or in a transportation object
- As in employed : adj working
- As in here : adv in this place
Antonyms for on board
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019