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Synonyms for nucleic acid
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : noo-klee-ik, -kley-, nyoo- |
Phonetic Transcription : nuˈkli ɪk, -ˈkleɪ-, nyu- |
Définition of nucleic acid
- As in DNA : noun deoxyribonucleic acid
- The synthesis of both types of nucleic acid are independent of each other.
- Extract from : « On Handling the Data » by M. I. Mayfield
- We have found substantial evidence which demonstrates that there is no interconversion of the two types of nucleic acid.
- Extract from : « On Handling the Data » by M. I. Mayfield
- Of the four basic components on the right, thymine occurs in the nucleic acid from the thymus gland.
- Extract from : « History of Phosphorus » by Eduard Farber
- Yeast is rich in nucleic acid, but this has not found any special applications.
- Extract from : « The Propaganda for Reform in Proprietary Medicines, Vol. 2 of 2 » by Various
Words or expressions associated with your search
- acid
- acid-base metabolism
- acid indigestion
- acid rain
- acid reflux
- acid test
- acid trip
- acidic
- acidifies
- acidify
- acidosis
- acidulate
- acidulated
- acidulating
- acidulous
- battery acid
- blotter acid
- blue acid
- carbonic acid
- carbonic acid gas
- citric acid cycle
- enucleate
- explosive driven by nuclear energy
- mononucleosis
- nuclear
- nuclear accident
- nuclear accidents
- nuclear arms
- nuclear bomb
- nuclear energy
- nuclear fallout
- nuclear family
- nuclear fission power
- nuclear force
- nuclear furnace
- nuclear fusion
- nuclear fusion power
- nuclear fusion reaction
- nuclear meltdown accident
- nuclear missile
- nuclear particles
- nuclear physics
- nuclear power plant
- nuclear reactor
- nuclear submarine
- nuclear submarines
- nuclear warhead
- nuclear waste
- nuclear weapon
- nuclear winter
- nucleation
- nucleic acid
- nucleic acids
- nucleon number
- nucleonics
- nucleus
- owsley acid
- Owsley's acid
- owsley's acids
- owsleys acid
- owsleys acids
- placid
- strategic nuclear weapon
- tactical nuclear weapon
- theater nuclear weapon
- thermonuclear bomb
- thermonuclear reaction
- thermonuclear weapon
- tricarboxylic acid cycle
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