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Synonyms for noticing
Grammar : Adj |
Spell : noh-tis |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈnoʊ tɪs |
Définition of noticing
Origin :- early 15c., "to notify," from notice (n.). Sense of "to point out" is from 1620s. Meaning "to take notice of" is attested from 1757, but was long execrated in England as an Americanism (occasionally as a Scottishism, the two offenses not being clearly distinguished). Ben Franklin noted it as one of the words (along with verbal uses of progress and advocate) that seemed to him to have become popular in America while he was absent in France during the Revolution. Related: Noticed; noticing.
- adj perceiving
- "I should like much to see her," said Philip, not noticing the latter remark.
- Extract from : « Night and Morning, Complete » by Edward Bulwer-Lytton
- Whilst we lunched I looked at him when he was not noticing me.
- Extract from : « My Double Life » by Sarah Bernhardt
- As they reached the first floor, noticing Pierre's emotion, Victorine smiled.
- Extract from : « The Three Cities Trilogy, Complete » by Emile Zola
- "Yes, you will," Adams returned, not noticing that his son's inflection was satiric.
- Extract from : « Alice Adams » by Booth Tarkington
- But what she was noticing was the flagging effort of his vivacity.
- Extract from : « Southern Lights and Shadows » by Various
- Noticing his kindly air, however, she soon told him the truth.
- Extract from : « Fruitfulness » by Emile Zola
- Put the chicken into it to simmer gently, noticing the time, so that it may not be over-cooked.
- Extract from : « The Skilful Cook » by Mary Harrison
- "Yes, yes; I know," she continued, noticing the expression on her companion's face.
- Extract from : « Thankful's Inheritance » by Joseph C. Lincoln
- Miss Graham, noticing his hesitation, hastened to end the inquisition.
- Extract from : « The Woman-Haters » by Joseph C. Lincoln
- Then, noticing her gown, he added: "But you're going out, aren't you?"
- Extract from : « Mary-'Gusta » by Joseph C. Lincoln
Words or expressions associated with your search
- at short notice
- de noting
- de-noting
- death notice
- denoting
- deserve notice
- fail notice
- failed notice
- failed to notice
- failing notice
- failing to notice
- fails notice
- fails to notice
- fantastic notion
- final notice
- fool notion
- gave notice
- give notice
- hardly noticeable
- has notion
- have a notion
- hypnotic
- hypnotic attraction
- hypnotics
- hypnotize
- hypnotized
- hypnotizing
- not noticeably
- notice
- notice board
- notice mariner
- notice similarities
- notice to mariners
- noticeable
- noticeableness
- noticeably
- noticed
- noticings
- notification
- notifications
- notified
- notifier
- notify
- noting
- noting down
- notings
- notion
- notional
- notions
- on short notice
- preconceived notion
- take no notice
- take no notice of
- take notice
- take notice of
- takes notice of
- taking notice of
- unnoticeable
- unnoticed
- unnoticing
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