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Synonyms for nonsectarian
Grammar : Adj |
Spell : non-sek-tair-ee-uh n |
Phonetic Transcription : ˌnɒn sɛkˈtɛər i ən |
Définition of nonsectarian
- As in integrated : adj open to all races
- He pleaded for nonsectarian schools, and was, therefore, called by many atheistic.
- Extract from : « Revolutionary Reader » by Sophie Lee Foster
- From the start the organization has been nonsectarian and open to all races and nationalities.
- Extract from : « Educational Work of the Girl Scouts » by Louise Stevens Bryant
Words or expressions associated with your search
- no nonsense
- no-nonsense
- no nonsenses
- nononsense
- nonsacred
- nonscholastic activity
- nonsectarian
- nonsegregated
- nonsense
- nonsensical
- nonsensicality
- nonsensically
- nonserious
- nonsexist
- nonspecialist
- nonspecific
- nonstaff
- nonstandard
- nonstarter
- nonstarters
- nonstop
- nonsubmersible
- nonsuccess
- nonsymmetrical
- pennons
- talk nonsense
- talk nonsensically
- talked nonsense
- talking nonsense
- talks nonsense
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