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Synonyms for nickelling

Grammar : Verb
Spell : nik-uh l
Phonetic Transcription : ˈnɪk əl

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Définition of nickelling

Origin :
  • whitish metal element, 1755, coined in 1754 by Swedish mineralogist Axel von Cronstedt (1722-1765) from shortening of Swedish kopparnickel "copper-colored ore" (from which it was first obtained), a half-translation of German Kupfernickel, literally "copper demon," from Kupfer (see copper) + Nickel "demon, goblin, rascal" (a pet form of masc. proper name Nikolaus, cf. English Old Nick "the devil;" see Nicholas); the ore so called by miners because it looked like copper but yielded none.
  • Meaning "coin made partly of nickel" is from 1857, when the U.S. introduced one-cent coins made of nickel to replace the old bulky copper pennies. Application to five-cent piece (originally one part nickel, three parts copper) is from 1883, American English; in earlier circulation there were silver half-dimes. To nickel-and-dime (someone) is from 1964 (nickels and dimes "very small amounts of money" is attested from 1893).
  • As in plate : verb coat with metallic material
Example sentences :
  • Commercial practice in the matter of the composition of nickelling solutions appears to vary a good deal.
  • Extract from : « On Laboratory Arts » by Richard Threlfall
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019