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Synonyms for nervous breakdown
Grammar : Noun |
Top 10 synonyms for nervous breakdown
Définition of nervous breakdown
- noun mental exhaustion
- My doctor says I must court tranquility to avoid a nervous breakdown.
- Extract from : « Mary Louise in the Country » by L. Frank Baum (AKA Edith Van Dyne)
- Let them call it a nervous breakdown, his lips were forever sealed.
- Extract from : « Ainslee's, Vol. 15, No. 5, June 1905 » by Various
- Her health seemed failing, and she feared a nervous breakdown.
- Extract from : « The Girl from the Big Horn Country » by Mary Ellen Chase
- They said I should certainly have a nervous breakdown if I stayed on much longer.
- Extract from : « Lost Diaries » by Maurice Baring
- "Oh, I am sure I could," she whispered, frightened to the point of nervous breakdown.
- Extract from : « Dreamy Hollow » by Sumner Charles Britton
- Rudolph was pale and feverish; he seemed on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
- Extract from : « My Own Affairs » by Louise, Princess of Belgium
- My dear woman, she says, you are about to have a nervous breakdown.
- Extract from : « Hungry Hearts » by Anzia Yezierska
- I am afraid, doctor, she said, that the poor man has had a nervous breakdown.
- Extract from : « Funny Stories Told By The Soldiers » by Carleton B. Case
- His friends said that he had a nervous breakdown; they sent him to a rest-cure.
- Extract from : « Fortitude » by Hugh Walpole
- Clarence was born to worry: result, dyspepsia and nervous breakdown.
- Extract from : « Ewing\'s Lady » by Harry Leon Wilson
Words or expressions associated with your search
- a bundle nerve
- abreaction
- abreast
- abreast of
- all nerves
- backbreaker
- backbreakers
- backbreaking
- backbreaking work
- bad break
- bad breaks
- bad breath
- be nervous
- be out of breath
- bed-and-breakfast
- bed and breakfast
- breach
- bread
- bread and butter
- bread and water
- breadth
- breadth of view
- breadwinner
- break
- break away
- break bread
- break down
- break even
- break faith
- break in
- break in on
- break it to
- break it up
- break of day
- break out
- break out in a sweat
- break promise
- break record
- break the ice
- break trust
- break up
- break with
- break with past
- break with the past
- breakage
- breakdown
- breakfast
- breakfast food
- breakfast time
- breaking ball
- breaking of bread
- breakneck
- breakout
- breaks
- breakthrough
- breakup
- breakwater
- breast
- breast-feed
- breast implant
- breast reduction
- breast-stroke
- breastwork
- breath
- breathe
- breathe easy
- breather
- breathing
- breathing space
- breathing spell
- breathless
- breathless adoration
- breathlessly
- breathtaking
- bundle of nerves
- case of nerves
- catch breath
- catch one breath
- catch one's breath
- catch ones breath
- catching breath
- coffee break
- continental breakfast
- cranial nerve seven
- cranial nerve VII
- daily bread
- daybreak
- dying breath
- eat sleep and breathe
- enervate
- enervated
- enervating
- enervation
- enervative
- even break
- fight for breath
- fingerbreadth
- gat nerves
- gat on nerves
- get a break
- get nerves
- get on nerves
- get on one's nerves
- getting a break
- gingerbread
- give a break
- good break
- groundbreaking
- hair's breadth
- hair's-breath
- hairbreadth
- hairbreadth escape
- hairsbreadth
- heartbreaker
- heartbreaking
- in one breath
- innervate
- innervation
- jail-breaker
- jail breaker
- jailbreak
- jawbreaker
- keep abreast of
- keeping abreast of
- keeps abreast of
- kept abreast of
- last breath
- lawbreaker
- lawbreakers
- lawbreaking
- leap into the breach
- let someone breathe
- lose nerve
- lucky break
- made break
- make a break
- make a break for it
- make clean breast
- make clean breast of
- make nerveless
- make nervous
- makes a break
- makes break
- making a break
- nerve
- nerve cell
- nerve-center
- nerve center
- nerve ending
- nerve endings
- nerve gas
- nerve-racking
- nerve racking
- nerve system
- nerveless
- nerveracking
- nerves
- nerves on edge
- nerviness
- nervous
- nervous breakdown
- nervous disorder
- nervous exhaustion
- nervous-nellie
- nervous Nellie
- nervous prostration
- nervous system
- nervous tension
- nervous wrecks
- nervously
- nervousness
- nervus faciali
- nervus facialis
- nervy
- newsbreak
- non breakable
- non-breakable
- nonbreakable
- olfactory nerves
- on the breadline
- out breaks
- out breath
- outbreak
- pancake breakfast
- peripheral nervous system
- prison break
- raw nerve
- record-breaker
- run abreast
- seventh cranial nerve
- stop for a breath
- take a break
- take a breather
- take breath away
- take one breath away
- take one's breath away
- take ones breath away
- takes one breath away
- takes one's breath away
- takes ones breath away
- taking a break
- taking a breather
- taking one breath away
- taking one's breath away
- taking ones breath away
- tea break
- tiebreaker
- tough break
- ulnar nerve
- unbreakable
- unnerve
- unnerved
- unnerving
- war nerves
- war of nerves
- was nervous
- was out breath
- white bread
- whitebread
- windbreaker
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