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Synonyms for more aerobic
Grammar : Noun, adjective |
Spell : ai-roh-bik |
Phonetic Transcription : ɛəˈroʊ bɪk |
Définition of more aerobic
Origin :- "living only in the presence of oxygen," 1875, (after French aérobie, coined 1863 by Louis Pasteur) from Greek aero- "air" (see aero-) + bios "life" (see bio-).
- noun, adjective exercise regime designed to increase heart and lung activity while toning muscles
Words or expressions associated with your search
- all the more
- all the more so
- amore
- bad-humored
- be enamored of
- be no more
- bite off more than one can chew
- claymore
- enamored
- enamored of
- enamoredness
- good-humored
- good-humoredly
- hackamore
- haddest no more
- has no more
- have no more
- ill-humored
- made more appealing
- make more appealing
- more
- more absurd
- more acceptable
- more acute
- more advanced
- more aerobic
- more agile
- more alternative
- more appropriate
- more astute
- more beloved
- more beneficial
- more certain
- more colorful
- more comic
- more comical
- more coming
- more complex
- more complicated
- more crabbed
- more curious
- more dangerous
- more demanding
- more descriptive
- more desperate
- more devious
- more diametric
- more different
- more difficult
- more diligent
- more dilute
- more diluted
- more distant
- more electric
- more electrical
- more empiric
- more empirical
- more equal
- more ethical
- more extemporaneous
- more extemporary
- more fabulous
- more feminine
- more first rate
- more first-rate
- more firstrate
- more forward
- more frequent
- more illusory
- more important
- more jocular
- more marine
- more maritime
- more mythical
- more mythological
- more natural
- more necessary
- more often than not
- more opposed
- more opposing
- more optimal
- more or less
- more or less so
- more out-of-date
- more outdated
- more peaceful
- more pendent
- more pendulous
- more preferred
- more prepared
- more primary
- more profitable
- more prudent
- more satiric
- more significant
- more special
- more stylish
- more than ever
- more than not
- more tired
- more visible
- mores
- nevermore
- no more
- no more than
- once more
- one more
- one more time
- one mores
- rumored
- sophomore
- still more
- aero dynamic
- aero-planes
- aero-space-medicine
- aero space-medicine
- aerobatics
- aerobic
- aerobic fitness
- aerobic shoe
- aerobics
- aerobics/aerobic
- aerobicses
- aerodome
- aerodrome
- aerodynamic
- aerodynamics
- aeroembolism
- aerogram
- aerogramme
- aerology
- aeromedicine
- aeronaut
- aeronautical
- aeronautics
- aerophyte
- aeroplane
- aerosol
- aerosol bomb
- aerosol can
- aerosol container
- aerosol dispenser
- aerosols
- aerospace medicine
- aerospace-medicine
- aerospace science
- aerospace technology
- aerotrain
- most aerobic
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