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Synonyms for mariner
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : mar-uh-ner |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈmær ə nər |
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Définition of mariner
Origin :- mid-13c., from Anglo-French mariner, Old French marinier "seaman, sailor" (12c.), from Medieval Latin marinarius "sailor," from Latin marinus "of the sea" (see marine). Earlier and long more common than sailor. A sailor also could be a brimgeist in Old English.
- noun person who makes living on the sea
- "He couldna see her bones, nor her his bow-legs," the mariner phrased it.
- Extract from : « Quaint Courtships » by Various
- In common with other ancients they knew the principle of the mariner's compass.
- Extract from : « The Age of Invention » by Holland Thompson
- Shall I appoint a mariner to be skipper of my vessel, or a landsman?
- Extract from : « The Memorabilia » by Xenophon
- Upon the middle one are the lighthouses that warn the mariner.
- Extract from : « England, Picturesque and Descriptive » by Joel Cook
- There was no mariner who sailed the seas so insignificant as not to be hailed by Esther.
- Extract from : « The Prisoner » by Alice Brown
- I have seen a deal of life, and have been a mariner this thirty year or more.
- Extract from : « In the Days of Drake » by J. S. Fletcher
- You rescue the mariner from shipwreck without wetting your feet.
- Extract from : « A Day's Ride » by Charles James Lever
- He was Mariner's patron and protector until his death in 1809.
- Extract from : « Voyage of H.M.S. Pandora » by Edward Edwards
- That night, after dinner, Mrs. Mariner asked Jill to read to her.
- Extract from : « Jill the Reckless » by P. G. (Pelham Grenville) Wodehouse
- "You shouldn't have been allowed to do it," said Mr. Mariner warmly.
- Extract from : « Jill the Reckless » by P. G. (Pelham Grenville) Wodehouse
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