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Synonyms for longevity
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : lon-jev-i-tee, lawn- |
Phonetic Transcription : lɒnˈdʒɛv ɪ ti, lɔn- |
Définition of longevity
Origin :- 1610s, from Late Latin longaevitatem (nominative longaevitas) "great age, long life," from Latin longaevus "long-lived," from longus (see long (adj.)) + aevum "lifetime, age" (see eon).
- noun long life
- There are instances of longevity (macrobiosis) in our own country.
- Extract from : « The Devil's Dictionary » by Ambrose Bierce
- He considers her longevity a proof of the kindness she received.
- Extract from : « A Historical Survey of the Customs, Habits, & Present State of the Gypsies » by John Hoyland
- This commonly held belief is based on statistics of longevity and sanitation.
- Extract from : « Another Sheaf » by John Galsworthy
- Friends, a member of the Society of, on instances of longevity, 401.
- Extract from : « Notes and Queries, Index of Volume 5, January-June, 1852 » by Various
- So the Gods actually were "Gods," at least as far as longevity went.
- Extract from : « Pagan Passions » by Gordon Randall Garrett
- Longevity, this extract maintains, is the result of application to good cider.
- Extract from : « Pipefuls » by Christopher Morley
- We toasted the longevity of "Wyndygoul" and the continued success of its builder.
- Extract from : « A Daughter of the Middle Border » by Hamlin Garland
- The longevity of abuses is among the most instructive lessons of history.
- Extract from : « The History of Tasmania , Volume II (of 2) » by John West
- Such an entity is supposed to have fecundity, fidelity, longevity.
- Extract from : « The Civilization of Illiteracy » by Mihai Nadin
- I cannot, therefore, think the study of longevity unimportant.
- Extract from : « Buchanan's Journal of Man, September 1887 » by Various
Words or expressions associated with your search
- a long way
- all along
- along
- alongside
- be carried along
- be long
- be long lived
- be longing
- be longings
- be longs
- before long
- belong
- belong to
- belonging
- belongings
- came along
- chaise longue
- come along
- daddy longlegs
- drag oneself along
- elongate
- elongated
- elongates
- elongation
- endlong
- ere long
- face as long as a fiddle
- fall headlong
- fell headlong
- foot long
- footlong
- gat along well
- get along
- get along well
- get along with
- get alongs
- getalong
- gets along
- gets along well
- getting along
- getting along well
- getting along with
- getting alongs
- go along
- go along with
- go headlong
- Greenwich longitude
- headlong
- in for long haul
- in for the long haul
- in the long run
- inch along
- latitude and longitude
- latitude and longitudes
- latitude longitudes
- lay along
- lay alongside
- lie along
- lifelong
- limp along
- loiter along
- long
- long ago
- long-ago
- long and short of it
- long arm of the law
- long dozen
- long-established
- long face
- long for
- long haul
- long illness
- long johns
- long jump
- long-l
- long-lived
- long odds
- long pepper
- long-playing record
- long shot
- long-standing
- long suit
- long-term forecast
- long-termer
- Long Tom
- long way
- long way around
- long weekend
- long-winded
- longing
- longing for
- longingly
- longwinded
- lying alongside
- made a long story short
- made as goes along
- made it as one goes along
- made long story short
- made longer
- make a long face
- make a long story short
- make it up as one goes along
- make longer
- make up as one goes along
- makes it as one goes along
- makes long story short
- making a long story short
- making as goes along
- making it as goes along
- making it up as goes along
- no longer
- no longer known
- no longer law
- no longer published
- not for long
- not long
- not long ago
- not long agos
- oblong
- oblongs
- of long standing
- on a long shot
- pass along
- passed along
- passes along
- passing along
- prolong
- prolonged
- pull oneself along
- put alongside
- ran along
- rush headlong
- sail along
- schlepp along
- shlep along
- sidelong
- so long
- string along
- stroll along
- tag along
- tagged along
- tagging along
- tags along
- take along
- taking along
- tear along
- was carried along
- was long
- yearlong
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