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Synonyms for letterbox
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : let-er-boks |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈlɛt ərˌbɒks |
Définition of letterbox
- As in letter box : noun mail box
- There must be a rural delivery, and if so, at the gate would be a letterbox.
- Extract from : « The Rest Hollow Mystery » by Rebecca N. Porter
- Putting pieces of folded brown paper in the letterbox for her.
- Extract from : « Ulysses » by James Joyce
- There was a letterbox at the corner, a foot from the older man's shoulder.
- Extract from : « The Lifted Bandage » by Mary Raymond Shipman Andrews
- The lid flew back, and we pressed forward, and each ran his hand down into the letterbox.
- Extract from : « In the Fog » by Richard Harding Davis
- That letter he dropped into the Pixley letterbox himself that night, and so was assured of its delivery.
- Extract from : « Pearl of Pearl Island » by John Oxenham
- Friend Fox thanked him very kindly, made himself very small, and was out of sight like a letter in a letterbox.
- Extract from : « The Fairy Ring » by Various
- Among them I expected to see a letterbox; but there was nothing that looked like despatches.
- Extract from : « Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 67, No. 411, January 1850 » by Various
- She had known Culpepper would come from the moment she dropped her note to him in the letterbox at the corner last night.
- Extract from : « Selina » by George Madden Martin
- It was almost two o'clock the next morning when he passed the letterbox at the trail to the Widow Miller's place.
- Extract from : « Tales from the X-bar Horse Camp » by Will C. Barnes
- The front door should have a knocker and a letterbox, and around both the door and the windows should be imitation framework.
- Extract from : « What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games and Pastimes » by Dorothy Canfield Fisher
Words or expressions associated with your search
- according to the letter
- air letter
- airmail letter
- capital letter
- dilettante
- eau de toilette
- exchange letters
- four-letter word
- French letter
- in letting
- large letters
- letted bygones be bygones
- letted daylight in
- letted fall between the cracks
- letted go
- letted hair down
- letted hang out
- letted happen
- letted her rip
- letted in
- letted it be known
- letted it come
- letted it happen
- letted know
- letted loose
- letted off steam
- letted off this time
- letted off time
- letted one hair down
- letted one's hair down
- letted ones hair down
- letted out
- letted rip
- letted run over
- letted steam
- letted sunlight in
- letted sunshine in
- letted the cat out bag
- letted the hook
- letted this time
- letted time
- letter
- letter box
- letter by letter
- letter carrier
- letter credit
- letter drop
- letter from Uncle Sam
- letter of credence
- letter of introduction
- letter of recommendation
- letter of reference
- letter of support
- letter writer
- letterbox
- lettered
- letterhead
- lettering
- letterings
- letterman/woman
- letterperson
- letterpress printing plate
- letters
- letting
- letting bygones be bygones
- letting cat out bag
- letting down
- letting fall between the cracks
- letting fly at
- letting for
- letting go
- letting hair down
- letting hang out
- letting happen
- letting in
- letting in for
- letting in on
- letting it be known
- letting it come
- letting it go by
- letting know
- letting off steam
- letting off this time
- letting offs
- letting on
- letting on like
- letting one go
- letting one hair down
- letting one's hair down
- letting ones hair down
- letting oneself in for
- letting out
- letting rip
- letting slip from memory
- letting steam
- letting sun shine in
- letting sunshine in
- letting the hook
- letting the sun shine in
- letting this time
- letting time
- lettings
- lettre de creance
- lettuce
- love letter
- man of letters
- man or woman of letters
- man woman letters
- man woman of letter
- mantelletta
- moist towelette
- newsletter
- newsletters
- novelette
- person of letters
- red-letter
- red-letter day
- roulette
- roulette wheel
- Russian roulette
- send letter
- stiletto
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