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Synonyms for leaguer
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : lee-ger |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈli gər |
Top 10 synonyms for leaguer
Définition of leaguer
- noun ally
- I will get me gone with an Orleans, a Kaiserlik, or a Schmalkaldner leaguer before that.
- Extract from : « The Fifth Queen Crowned » by Ford Madox Ford
- They rode from Philadelphia to the leaguer around Boston in thirteen days.
- Extract from : « Benjamin Franklin » by John Torrey Morse, Jr.
- Tighe went out on a Texas leaguer that was gathered in by Larry.
- Extract from : « Baseball Joe, Captain of the Team » by Lester Chadwick
- Well did the Cid surround it; till the leaguer closed about.
- Extract from : « The Lay of the Cid » by R. Selden Rose
- No, it is my friends who say, Brother Gorenflot—a fine name for a leaguer, is it not?
- Extract from : « Chicot the Jester » by Alexandre Dumas, Pere
- Neale stabbed at it, sliced it and landed a Texas leaguer back of short.
- Extract from : « Rough-Hewn » by Dorothy Canfield
- I hated the marriage while I thought it would make you a Leaguer.
- Extract from : « Helmet of Navarre » by Bertha Runkle
- He was in duress as a Leaguer spy, to await King Henry's will.
- Extract from : « Helmet of Navarre » by Bertha Runkle
- Rogers speaks of shipping while at Batavia "half a leaguer of Spelman's neep, or the best sort of arrack."
- Extract from : « Life Aboard a British Privateer in the Time of Queen Anne » by Robert C. Leslie
- Not being read, every leaguer has credit for having uttered the objections which, as yet, he never did utter.
- Extract from : « Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, No. CCCXXXVI. October, 1843. Vol. LIV. » by Various
Words or expressions associated with your search
- be in same league
- be in the same league
- be leaguer
- be leaguered
- be leaguering
- be leaguers
- be leagues
- be leaguing
- be same league
- be the same league
- beleague
- beleaguer
- beleaguered
- beleaguerment
- big-league
- bush-league
- bush leaguer
- colleague
- get mileage out of
- in league
- junior league
- league
- major league
- major-league
- major leaguer
- majorleague
- minor-league
- oleaginous
- Texas Leaguer
- was in same league
Most wanted synonyms
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