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Synonyms for leading lady
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : lee-ding |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈli dɪŋ |
Définition of leading lady
- noun female star of production
- Jane Map was Mr. Pilgrim's leading lady, for the time being.
- Extract from : « A Great Man » by Arnold Bennett
- My leading lady was before me in the place of Lucy Draycott.
- Extract from : « The Making Of A Novelist » by David Christie Murray
- But the leading lady stuck to him, and at last he went away.
- Extract from : « Despair's Last Journey » by David Christie Murray
- She did not in the least correspond to my idea of what a leading lady in a popular play should be.
- Extract from : « Gossamer » by George A. Birmingham
- Mae was at last triumphantly secure in the rôle of leading lady.
- Extract from : « Just Patty » by Jean Webster
- He was then ten years old, and deep in love with the leading lady.
- Extract from : « Washington Irving » by Henry W. Boynton
- To become a leading lady in a West End theatre, in a new play.
- Extract from : « The Socialist » by Cyril Arthur Edward Ranger Gull
- She saw at once that she could not get along without a leading lady.
- Extract from : « A Chambermaid's Diary » by Octave Mirbeau
- He also said that the "leading lady" in Eisenach had only 15 marks a month!
- Extract from : « Confessions of an Opera Singer » by Kathleen Howard
- Say, did you ever see the leading lady in 'The Spider's Web'?
- Extract from : « The Major » by Ralph Connor
Words or expressions associated with your search
- at the leading edge
- bag lady
- bandleader
- cleaning lady
- fancy lady
- get lead out
- get the lead out
- in the lead
- jump leads
- jumper lead
- lady
- lady bountiful
- lady evening
- Lady Fortune
- lady fortunes
- lady house
- lady in red
- lady-in-waiting
- lady killer
- lady-killer
- Lady Luck
- lady-maid
- lady maid
- lady man
- lady of easy virtue
- lady of evening
- lady of house
- lady of pleasure
- lady of the bedchamber
- lady of the evening
- lady of the house
- lady of the manor
- lady of the night
- lady's attendant
- lady's-maid
- lady's maid
- lady's-man
- lady's man
- lady the evening
- lady the house
- lady with the lamp
- ladybug
- ladykiller
- ladylike
- ladylove
- ladys maid
- ladys man
- ladyship
- landlady
- lead
- lead (a life)
- lead a life
- lead a merry chase
- lead astray
- lead away
- lead balloon
- lead balloons
- lead by the nose
- lead character
- lead characters
- lead dancer
- lead expect
- lead-footed
- lead in
- lead-in
- lead in to
- lead into
- lead item
- lead life
- lead off
- lead on
- lead on a merry chase
- lead out
- lead role
- lead sheet
- lead ship
- lead singer
- lead the way
- lead time
- lead to
- lead to altar
- lead to believe
- lead to do
- lead to expect
- lead up garden path
- lead up to
- lead vocalist
- lead way
- leaden
- leadenness
- leader
- leader of ceremonies
- leaders
- leadership
- leadest
- leadfeet
- leadfoot
- leadin
- leading
- leading a life
- leading astray
- leading away
- leading edge
- leading-edge
- leading-edges
- leading in to
- leading into
- leading lady
- leading light
- leading man
- leading nowhere
- leading off
- leading on
- leading person
- leading persons
- leading question
- leading role
- leading the way
- leading to
- leading up to
- leading woman
- leadingedge
- leadings
- leadoff
- leads astray
- leads believe
- leads do
- leads in to
- leads into
- leads off
- leads on
- leads the way
- leads to
- leads up to
- leads way
- malady
- mislead
- misleader
- misleading
- misleading statement
- misleading word
- national leader
- old-lady
- old lady
- Our Lady
- our ladys
- plead
- pleader
- pleading
- ringleader
- romantic lead
- spiritual leader
- take lead
- take the lead
- takes the lead
- taking the lead
- the lead out
- white lady
- young lady
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Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019