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Synonyms for labor-union
Grammar : Noun |
Définition of labor-union
- As in labor union : noun organized group of employees
- Most prominent and powerful of these was the craft form of labor-union organization.
- Extract from : « The I.W.W. » by Paul Frederick Brissenden
- Labor-union democracy must be made democratic by referendum control.
- Extract from : « The I.W.W. » by Paul Frederick Brissenden
- To them the labor-union is at present the strongest Americanizing force.
- Extract from : « Races and Immigrants in America » by John R. Commons
- In spite of this report, Schmitz was reelected in 1905 as the candidate of the Labor-Union party.
- Extract from : « The Boss and the Machine » by Samuel P. Orth
- From the beginning, the Union-Labor party had the support of elements outside the labor-union movement.
- Extract from : « 'The System,' as uncovered by the San Francisco Graft Prosecution » by Franklin Hichborn
- And knowing them, understanding them, working with them in almost every case, there was no labor-union problem to confront him.
- Extract from : « Our Railroads To-Morrow » by Edward Hungerford
- In no country has the labor-union movement achieved a greater degree of organization than in England.
- Extract from : « Socialism and Democracy in Europe » by Samuel P. Orth
- All the "country" he had seen had been from car windows and the crumpled patches one encounters on labor-union picnics.
- Extract from : « Comrade Yetta » by Albert Edwards
- Perhaps one might call it a sort of a cross between a labor-union and a manufacturing trust.
- Extract from : « Time Telling through the Ages » by Harry Chase Brearley
- For it is not too much to say that the only effective Americanizing force for the Southeastern European is the labor-union.
- Extract from : « Races and Immigrants in America » by John R. Commons
Words or expressions associated with your search
- agricultural laborer
- Anglican Communion
- be labor
- be labored
- be laboring
- be labors
- bunion
- calaboose
- capital and labor
- casual laborer
- chemistry laboratory
- collaborate
- collaboration
- collaborator
- collaborators
- collaborators of enemy
- common laborer
- communion
- communion table
- craft union
- customs union
- day laborer
- elaborate
- elaborate explanation
- elaborate promotional event
- elaborated
- elaborateness
- elaborates
- elaborating
- elaboration
- European Union
- european unions
- factory laborer
- farm laborer
- forced-labor camp
- forced labor camp
- hard labor
- Holy Communion
- impecuniosities
- impecuniosity
- impecunious
- impecuniousness
- impencunious
- in collaboration
- in the laboratory
- industrial union
- junior
- junior equity
- junior high
- junior league
- junior prom
- junior school
- junior varsity
- juniority
- juniors
- labor
- labor at
- labor camp
- labor contract
- labor force
- labor love
- labor of love
- labor pool
- labor relations
- labor room
- labor the point
- labor union
- labor-union
- laboratories
- laboratory
- laboratory animal
- labored
- laborer
- laboring
- laboring class
- laborious
- laboriouslied
- laboriouslies
- laboriously
- laboriouslying
- labors point
- laborsaving
- menial labor
- organized labor
- pecunious
- re union
- re unions
- research laboratory
- slave labor
- trades union
- union
- Union flag
- unskilled laborer
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