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Synonyms for ketchups

Grammar : Noun
Spell : kech-uh p, kach-
Phonetic Transcription : ˈkɛtʃ əp, ˈkætʃ-

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Définition of ketchups

Origin :
  • 1711, said to be from Malay kichap, but probably not original to Malay. It might have come from Chinese koechiap "brine of fish," which, if authentic, perhaps is from the Chinese community in northern Vietnam [Terrien de Lacouperie, in "Babylonian and Oriental Record," 1889, 1890]. Catsup (earlier catchup, 1680s) is a failed attempt at Englishing, still in use in U.S., influenced by cat and sup.
  • Originally a fish sauce, the word came to be used in English for a wide variety of spiced gravies and sauces; "Apicius Redivivus; or, the Cook's Oracle," by William Kitchiner, London, 1817, devotes 7 pages to recipes for different types of catsup (his book has 1 spelling of ketchup, 72 of catsup), including walnut, mushroom, oyster, cockle and mussel, tomata, white (vinegar and anchovies figure in it), cucumber, and pudding catsup. Chambers's Encyclopaedia (1870) lists mushroom, walnut, and tomato ketchup as "the three most esteemed kinds." Tomato ketchup emerged c.1800 in U.S. and predominated from early 20c.
  • As in condiment : noun flavoring
Example sentences :
  • Who gwine want my clar-starchin' an' pickle-makin' an' ketchups?
  • Extract from : « Southern Lights and Shadows » by Various
  • The bright yellow seeds are used in medicine as aromatic tonics and carminatives; and for curries, ketchups, soups, &c.
  • Extract from : « The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom » by P. L. Simmonds
  • It will not keep long, but is preferable to any of the ketchups.
  • Extract from : « The Cook and Housekeeper's Complete and Universal Dictionary; Including a System of Modern Cookery, in all Its Various Branches, » by Mary Eaton

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